Says Fabricant: "She is most in her element digging into history, as in an exceedingly detailed exploration of plum puddings, including flaming versions and brandy sauces to accompany them. Another section examines frumenty, a kind of grain porridge said to date from Roman times."
I was delighted with the photo of Elizabeth David in her kitchen in 1957. It connected to the biography of her that I read recently, Writing at the Kitchen Table: The Authorized Biography of Elizabeth David by Artemis Cooper. See: Elizabeth David.
And of course I'm pleased to have another kitchen photo for my little series here.
Oh Mae, I must save this link. I'm hoping to post for Elizabeth David's birthday on the 26th of this month. Thank you so much...
I'm looking forward to your post on ED. The book by Artemis Cooper is informative -- as I said in my review -- though not as wonderful as I had hoped.
Hi Mae,
Ya know, I was just thinking. If by chance I don't post her b-day, (it also happens to be candy cane day on the 26th) I'm going to use your link on the post I did last year. It's called Grand Marnier, Elizabeth David.
If you really want to read an excellent book about her I highly recommend ' Lunch with Elizabeth David' by Roger Williams.
There was also a BBC Doc/Drama about but I think this is difficult to get now.
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