Sunday, July 17, 2022

Graffiti Under the Bridge

We navigated our kayak upstream through the water lily patches.

A small motorboat was in the process of marking the lanes for a crew-rowing race.

We went under several bridges. This railroad bridge always has loads of graffiti.
I’m not sure which are new and which ones I’ve seen in previous years.

I have no idea what meaning the graffiti have — if any!

Upstream a bit: graffiti on the pedestrian bridge.

All photos © 2022 by mae sander. 
Sharing with Monday Murals.



Divers and Sundry said...

I like seeing graffiti, but I think some artists aren't ready for prime time and public viewing ;) I vote they use their own houses 'til they better hone their skills lol

Yvonne said...

These are great photos! Thanks for sharing them.

Harvee44 said...

Looks like a lovely outing on the water.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Looks like a great trip on the river, but I'm not sure all that graffiti is to my taste. Some shows real promise and some not so much. However, it was geat to see you took your camera in the kayak.

Iris Flavia said...

A perfect summer day! And I like the guy with the greeting :-)

Tandy | Lavender and Lime ( said...

Live, love, row seems quite apt for your weekend.

Sami said...

Not a fan of graffiti, but some of those are ok. The setting looks very peaceful. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Mae.

s.c said...

Looks like the right time to be on the water and give you a nice day.

eileeninmd said...

Your kayak outing looks nice, I like seeing the lily pads. I am not really a fan of graffiti, but the words Live, love row is a perfect message.
Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy new week!

Bertiebo said...

Nice to see graffiti while sailing

Jeanie said...

Not the most artistic of grafitti - -but I love the "Live, Love, Row!"

Jackie McGuinness said...

We have the same type of graffiti under our bridges on the Humber River that runs next to us. I don't mind it. Some is better than others.

NatureFootstep said...

lol, I guess the painters don´t mind getting wet :)