Friday, August 11, 2023

Fresh Local Produce

Argus Farm Stop, Ann Arbor, MI

Eggplant at Fusileir Farm Stand, Chelsea, MI.

 Blog post and all photos © 2023 mae sander

UPDATE: A comment on this post complained that Bidenomics caused food prices to rise. The Nobel-winning economist Paul Krugman recently wrote an article on this exact subject titled  “Why Are Groceries So Expensive?” He specifically asked “Why? Can we blame Bidenomics?” His answer is, no we can’t blame the President or his economic policies. Krugman says:

“The key point to understand about food inflation is that it’s a global phenomenon, outside the control of any one government (except, in a sense, Russia’s …) and transcending the pricing policies of even the biggest businesses.”

 Russia’s role in the global phenomenon of rising food prices is twofold. First, the invasion and continuing war in Ukraine is preventing them from continuing to be a major grain supplier, which is a critical contributor to rising prices. And second, Russian policies have caused major increases in the price of fertilizer — they were a major source of this necessity for global agriculture.

I wanted to respond to this comment because I think this understanding why things are the way they are is crucial to understanding these price issues. I don’t blame the farmers who charge high prices for local produce, and I don’t blame the government for what they can’t control either.


Lori said...

Beautiful! Looks like an amazing place.

Tina said...

That's some good looking produce, I wish we had some of that around here. Our farmers markets are far away and not such good produce as you pictured.
Thank you for the nice comment you left. I appreciate it.

eileeninmd said...

You did pick out some great looking produce.
We have not had any luck with the sweet cherries.
Good choices, I would like them all.
Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

Valerie-Jael said...

It all looks so good, Mae, when I look at your cardt I start thinking about what I could make with it, yummy! Valerie

Jeanie said...

I have yet to find tomatoes at the farmer's market -- the guy up here says it has been a slow year but maybe next week. We did get some good smaller one -- caprese salad doesn't require enormous ones! I don't know what first thing -- romanesco -- is for or tastes like. Have you tried it? Glorious images, all!

Mae Travels said...

@Jeanie -- Romanesco is a type of cauliflower that has an interesting fractal shape. It tastes somewhere between cauliflower and its close relative broccoli.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I have been seeing the poll numbers for Biden. People don't seem to believe he has pulled us out of disaster. Bidenomics is not working for some of us.

As an example, I could and can not afford any of that beautiful produce you purchased at the Farmer's Market. My income hasn't changed and I live on my savings. I used to allow $40.00/month for groceries. Now I have to really scrimp and save to get a month of food for $60.00. If I spend more, it's only because my electricity or gas bill was lower that month. I'd give anything to eat like you, dear friend. At least I have the herbs that make up for lack of money, but not the lack of taste.

Debbie said...

wow, beautiful produce we love our corn on the cob here at the jersey shore!! i read your update, i am not politically minded but understood and appreciated your comments. it is good to be informed!!

Rachel @Waves of Fiction said...

Oh my the produce looks so gorgeous! I love fresh tomatoes, garlic, squash, and blueberries! I also love picking up fresh flowers at the farmers market. It think it's important to buy local and support our local growers! I need to get out to our famer's markets more often.

And yes, prices have gone up as your update acknowledges, but put the blame where it rightfully goes.

Fanny Sansiro said...

I'm wondering why there is no information in each photos, I'm curious about the first photo. What is that veggie!? Taste? Origin?

Mae Travels said...

@Fanny -- As I said when Jeanie asked about that vegetable: Romanesco is a type of cauliflower that has an interesting fractal shape. It tastes somewhere between cauliflower and its close relative broccoli.

Fanny Sansiro said...

Hmm I imagine adding romanesco to stir-fry chap chye, will try soon!