Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The St. Louis Art Museum

In front of the St. Louis Art Museum is this statue of St. Louis himself.
Memories of visiting the Art Museum in St. Louis date to my earliest childhood, and I've often returned here throughout my life. Today I visited the museum with my brother, sister-in-law, sister, and brother-in-law. In the morning and evening we also visited with a number of other relatives.

The permanent collections are wonderful, but we particularly enjoyed a visiting exhibit titled "Sunken Cities: Egypt's Lost Worlds." Recent underwater explorations and archaeology dives have recovered large and small stone sculptures, religious objects from the cult of Osiris, and impressive stone steles. 

From the museum website:
"In 2018, the Saint Louis Art Museum will be the first North American art museum to tell the epic story of one of the greatest finds in the history of underwater archaeology, a story that revealed two lost cities of ancient Egypt submerged under the Mediterranean Sea for over a thousand years. World-renowned underwater archaeologist Franck Goddio and his team discovered these submerged worlds and uncovered stunning ancient religious, ceremonial, and commercial artifacts, which has led to a greater understanding of life during the age of pharaohs." (link)
One underwater find: this sphinx.

So long, St. Louis Art Museum!
After the museum we took a quick look at the house where we grew up.
It's amazingly unchanged after so many years, but now includes a
plaque commemorating its 100th year (it was built in 1912).

1 comment:

Karen (Back Road Journal) said...

The special exhibit sounds very interesting.