Thursday, March 14, 2024

Pie — $3.14 a slice for 𝞹 Day

It’s Pi Day — also Pie Day. We celebrate 𝞹. And Zingerman’s Bakehouse offers slices for $3.14.

As you probably learned in elementary math classes, 𝞹 is the ratio of the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. The symbol 𝞹 (the Greek letter, Pi) has been used to represent this ratio since 1706, though the mathematical ratio had been known for centuries. In fact: “As a ratio, pi has been around since Babylonian times, but it was the Greek geometer Archimedes, some 2,300 years ago, who first showed how to rigorously estimate the value of pi.” (source) 

Pi Day celebrates this fundamental mathematical constant, and just for fun, pies — which are circular — are the perfect food to eat for this.

I bought two slices of pie for our lunch.

And for the next holiday:

Purim is March 23-24 this year. Zingerman’s has the classic hamentaschen.

Photos © 2024 mae sander


eileeninmd said...

Pies for Pi Day, a nice treat!
Take care, enjoy your day!

Jeanie said...

Happy Pi Day!

A friend of mine in Cleveland goes to an annual Pi(e) party where everyone brings a pie. Pizza, quiches, hand pies, and of course, desserts. I'd love that!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I completely forgot it was Pi Day. It snuck up on me while I was sleeping. LOVE how you remembered it. Happy Pi Day and Purim, too.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Look at the hamentaschen! I would love to try these.