Saturday, September 24, 2022

Downtown Ann Arbor Street Art


Saturday walk: new graffiti, this time with a stencil.

This artist is reusing the stencil.

From Last Week…

From a walk we took downtown … murals to share with Sami’s weekly blog celebration of murals and street art throughout the world. Have I seen these before? Maybe! 

© 2022 mae sander.


Jeanie said...

Love that nice big mural -- beautiful color palette!

Amy said...

I think more towns and cities should have artwork like those.

Harvee44 said...

Ann Arbor is such an interesting city. I miss going there more often.

Linda said...

Nice. Fun to see the street art.

Tandy | Lavender and Lime ( said...

Some are very bright and colourful! Shana Tova!

Sherry's Pickings said...

i love street art! we are lucky here to have such wonderful artwork on the walls of our cities.

Bill said...

You captured these very well. I'm beginning to appreciate murals.

Trin Carl said...

I love these murals. what gave me pause is the Ten Thousand Villages store in the background. We have that store in Minnesota, and I talked with the employees who said that the owners work closely with people from developing countries to make sure their paid equal wages for their work.

Jenn Jilks said...

I never thought of them using a stencil!!

Tina said...

That looks like a fun walk, I wish there was something artist on Tallahassee's buildings! We only get graffiti.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Several of the Avenue Art Days artists used stencils. I like the first one, because it doesn't really look like a stencil.

Horton has a vivid imagination. I admire anyone who can paint on brick. That can be a real challenge. Nice finds, Mae.

kwarkito said...

J'aime beaucoup les dessins réalisés au pochoirs.

DVArtist said...

I really love all of the street art. Thanks for sharing it.

thathappyreader said...

I love artwork on the exterior walls in urban centres. It helps discourage the graffiti too!

Sami said...

The stencil murals are very nice and I live the colourful utility box. Thanks for participating in Monday murals Mae.

Iris Flavia said...

Love especially the first one!

Bertiebo said...

I really like the first drawing. It's that simple, but do it