Monday, April 10, 2023


Evelyn has been experimenting with mixed drinks. She now has a set of tools!
Visiting Evelyn and Tom in Fairfax, we enjoyed their hospitality and the new hobby.

She made us Sazeracs and Pina Coladas. She was inspired by a trip to New Orleans.

A Pina Colada.

Another treat: a self-assembly chocolate moose from Ikea.

 Photos © 2023 mae sander


Valerie-Jael said...

Looks good, but I don't drink alcohol, I have to stick to Mocktails! Valerie

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Wow, your friend Evelyn went all out on her new hobby. I'm a fan of tools and these looked like they would do the job. Although, as a rule, I don't drink alcohol, the pina colada sounds wonderful and looks good, too.

Had to laugh at the assembled moose. A clever way to ship a gift, though. I hope this is for T Tuesday. It certainly made me want to join Evelyn and try out her new tools for T.

Carola Bartz said...

That moose is another great IKEA idea - they are creative.
I'm not particularly good in mixing drinks, even though we have the tools for it. Most of the times - if I mix at all - it's a Maitai that I love. I don't mind anybody mixing a drink for me though.

My name is Erika. said...

You can't go wrong with a nice Pina Colada. It looks like your daughter could be a professional bartender. Hope you're having a wonderful trip Mae. And happy T day too. hugs-Erika

Iris Flavia said...

Hmmm, not into sweets much but on a sunny, hot summer-day... a Pina Colada I would not say no to!

CJ Kennedy said...

mmm, Pina Colada. That's a fabulous looking kitchen, too. Happy T Day

CJ Kennedy said...

mmm, Pina Colada. Fabulous looking kitchen, too. Happy T Day

thecuecard said...

Ha that moose is funny. We just got something from IKEA yesterday. Very efficient there. And that pina colada looks so good! Gosh I could use one. or two.

jinxxxygirl said...

Hi Mae!

I'm another tee totaler... but i do love a Pina Colada. These days it might be a virgin strawberry daiquiri with whipped cream on top.. My little hole in the wall town here in West Central TX has an International Waterlily Collection. Its just fabulous.. The man who took care of it and collected most of it has recently passed away. I hope when i go this year it is still being taken care of. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

Lisca said...

What a great hobby. Pina Colada sounds familiar but we don't drink coctails here normally, so I'm not sure I have ever had one.
That moose from Ikea sounds fun (and yum).
Happy T-Day,

pearshapedcrafting said...

I have never tried a Pina Colada but it looks great. Looks like a fun hobby! I don't drink alcohol any more but do quite like mocktails. Happy T Day, Chrisx

Sharon Madson said...

I don't drink alcohol, but I love nonalcoholic pina coladas. Looks like a lot of tools for mixing drinks. :) Happy T Day.

Jenn Jilks said...

That moose!!!!

Jeanie said...

I"ve had one of those mooses (moosi?) for about two or three years and it's still in the box. I should put it together. The kids would eat it, even if the chocolate is lousy by now!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Oh, yes, a piña colada is one of my favorites.