Monday, September 04, 2017

Indiana Highlights

Visiting Lafayette, Indiana, from Friday through Sunday.
When we arrived, we were treated to Elaine's plum cake.
We enjoyed many other good things to eat but this was a highlight!
At Columbian Park on Saturday afternoon large numbers of people were enjoying a big Labor picnic sponsored by local
unions. We walked through the small but amusing zoo, where we saw this kookaburra in its large cage.
Three Joeys were peeking out of their mothers' pouches. The wallaby enclosure allows people to walk in the same space
as the animals, though parts of the enclosure are reserved for the animals.
Sunday morning we walked in the Celery Bog, where we often enjoy bird watching. A few fall warblers were there.
A pileated woodpecker.
Happy Labor Day to all! We took the long weekend from Friday to Sunday, so we're having a quiet holiday at home today.

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