Saturday, December 09, 2023

A Very Quiet Week

This week our lives have been so quiet I have almost nothing for a weekend wrap-up. But I’d like to share with my blog friends at ReaderBuzz, so here are just a few images and thoughts.


We went downtown for lunch at the Slurping Turtle one afternoon, and then walked around and
got some cookbooks out of the library. If we find any recipes, that will be for a later day!

We are quite fond of the sushi at Slurping Turtle.

Many shop windows are decorated for winter and the holidays.
I took these photos a few weeks ago, but enjoyed seeing some of them again.

Making a Mexican Torta in my kitchen

Ingredients: tomatoes, mashed avocados, pickled jalapenos, 
and cheese (not shown)…

Fresh bread that Len baked…

Fried eggs.



I’m reading a mystery in the Brittany series by Jean-Luc Bannalec.
It’s good. I will finish it soon.

I reread Lessons in Chemistry to compare to the streaming series we recently watched.
I was amazed at how little the script writers changed it, other than adding one subplot.
Much of the dialog actually came directly from Bonnie Garmus’s novel!
My earlier review of the novel is here: Lessons in Chemistry

Blog post © 2023 mae sander


Harvee44 said...

Nice holiday window decorations. Slow week here too as I battle some leg pain from arthritis and the nasty wet weather here. Have a good week.

Jeanie said...

I'm glad you liked the TV version of "Chemistry." And love all the A2 windows. Your menus look absolutely delicious!

My name is Erika. said...

I've had a more or less quiet week also. Good idea to reread Lessons in Chemistry, and the mystery sounds good also. I love the owl painted on the store window.hugs-Erika

eileeninmd said...

I like the pretty window decorations.
The meals all look delicious!
I will see if my library has the mystery available.
Take care, have a great weekend.

Marg said...

Love the pictures!!

I read Lesson in Chemistry recently. I started watching the series but I haven't finished it yet.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

After weeks of darting here and there, I had a week of quiet, too, but, oddly and unexpectedly, I felt restless. I had a couple of invitations to go out and do some things, but I chose to stay home instead. I think I'm going to do that today, too.

The Mexican torta looks fantastic. Honestly, anything you put with that bread Len made would be fantastic, I think.

I have a couple of cookbooks from the library, Baking Yesteryear and Tasting History, here that I hope to browse through today.

dancewme said...

I'm glad you were able to cook the torta. I get a lot of cooking ideas from my friends from the language app who live in Brazil. Now it's just time to roll up my sleeves and start cookin'.

JoAnn said...

I had a mostly quiet week at home, too... primarily waiting for contractors, but more reading time than usual. Love the sushi presentation!

Cindy said...

Great pictures! The food looks so yummy!

thecuecard said...

So glad you compared the Garmus novel and the show. I thought it was following it closely!