Friday, February 17, 2023

Desert Critters

A native Baja California rattle snake, expertly handled!

Whales, coyotes, dolphins, pelicans, gulls, shore birds, raptors, even one or two shrikes and caracaras — during our trip to Baja California we looked for wild birds and mammals of all types, on land and on the water. It’s much more unusual to see wild invertebrates because they are elusive and mainly nocturnal. However, on the first day of our voyage, before we boarded the ship, we enjoyed a presentation from a reptile expert, who works for a nature center that tries to protect these often-reviled creatures. 

The speaker, Victor Velazquez of El Serpantario Rescue Center, showed us a number
of species of invertebrates. He and his helpers allowed us to touch the less dangerous ones.

I’m posting this on Friday in order to share with Eileen’s “Saturday Critters” blog party, where one can link to images of domestic animals, pets, zoo animals, imaginary creatures, and wildlife. 


DVArtist said...

Lots of wonderful critters. I love rattle snakes, especially to eat. So good if prepared right. LOL Have a great day today. Would love to see these faces on FFO.

My name is Erika. said...

That snake gives me the creeps. But it looks like an interesting presentation. Have a great weekend. hugs-Erika

anno said...

Yikes! That spider / tarantula is ENORMOUS! What a great sense of adventure you have... I would have edged out the door and excused myself to the nearest cafe as soon as possible.

Adam Jones said...

Wow! Lots of things I wouldn't want to hold in my hand.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Mae :=)
WOW! I would loved to have seen these fabulous creatures in person. What a great experience to see these fabulous invertebrates at close range.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Mae,

What a wonderful critter post. Such a variety. I like the huge toad and the lizard. I am glad the Rattle Snake was handled expertly. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

Iris Flavia said...

OMG. I can take anything but spiders. Ewww. Waring, please! I nearly fell off my chair (in my mind).
And I may be wrong but somewhere i read you are not supposed to touch frogs as that is not good for their skin and make them severly sick. I hope I am wrong.

Ohhh, a real thorny devil! I only have a postcard...

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I might have zoomed past a couple of photos but you sure saw a lot of neat critters. I like the frogs!

Dawn Hart said...

What an interesting presentation that must have been, although I'd have been out of the door when the snake came out, some amazing photos x

John's Island said...

Hi Mae, Those are some interesting critters for sure. I think I will leave handling them to the experts! 😊 I hope a future post will tell us more about your voyage. Have a fine day and happy week ahead. John

Sherry's Pickings said...

I don't nind a lovely carpet python on my window sill but a rattlesnake? eek and that humungous spider - a tarantula? AArrgghh

Jeanie said...

I might give some of those critters a pass!