Thursday, July 15, 2021

The Ann Arbor Art Fair

Bicycles are on my mind because of the Tour de France.

The fountain by Carl Milles was a welcome sight. Last year they never removed the winter covering,
thanks to the pandemic. Now it's back to normal.

The fountain and the iconic campus Bell Tower.

Artist Ray Kenyatta

This year's poster.
The Ann Arbor Art Fair has been an annual event every July since 1960 -- except for last year when everything, yes everything, was cancelled. The welcome decision to hold a fair this year was made very late. The size of the fair is much smaller than in the recent past, and the fair only lasts for three days. I didn't see any food trucks in the usual food vending area, so I suspect that outdoor dining was cancelled as well. The Ann Arbor Potters Guild participation seems not to have happened this year either.

We walked through quite a bit of the fair this morning, and my favorite photos are above. We were also very charmed by two artists: Ray Kenyatta, who makes silk screen images from his photographic negatives; and Radim Schreiber (, who photographs insects, especially fireflies. We bought one of Schreiber's works.

Today was Day 1, and it wasn't very crowded. I hope the artists do very well. 

Blog post and photos © 2021 mae sander


DVArtist said...

This is a beautiful art fair. The art is pretty spectacular.

Tandy | Lavender and Lime ( said...

I hope they fair well! Why is the fountain covered in winter?

My name is Erika. said...

Fun craft far. That blue pottery is amazing. It is nice to have these activities back, isn't it?

Jeanie said...

I haven't been to this in ages. It completely wore me out the last time!

Tina said...

I'd love walking around a fair like this one.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I hope the artists do well, too. I'm glad that this event was a go this year.

Iris Flavia said...

Glad you have a fair - sad no food trucks, I miss both, too.
The bike I would´ve bought! Very cool.
Not sure about those huge plastic masks. But maybe right for people who don´t wear glasses. Only thing I´m glad for needing glasses - eyes are covered.
Looking forward to day 2 :-)
Here still... nothing. Enjoy for all of your fellow, stuck bloggers, please.

Book of Secrets said...

How fun! I particularly love the skeletons on bicycles display.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

What a lovely art fair. I especially love the blue pottery and the bicycle art. Hope you are having a good weekend.

Elza Reads said...

I really do miss any type of fair so much. I used to love going to fairs! No idea when it will start opening again here in SA.

Lovely pics and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Elza Reads

Jackie McGuinness said...

I love these kinds of affairs but I don't imagine we will have any this year.
I do like the poster. I am attracted to bicycles although I haven't ridden in years.

Kokopelli said...

Oh wow, great pictures from the Art Fair! Thanks for sharing!