Friday, January 31, 2020

In My Kitchen, January 2020

In my kitchen this month I decided to photograph the various pitchers and cruets and decanters that I have on my shelves. Some are newish, others old, a few are actually antiques. I use the smaller ones as milk pitchers, the larger ones as water pitchers, and a few are just for decoration. In some of my photos I picked out one or two tea towels to be the background. 

I’ve done a lot of cooking, but I’ve already written about my two new cookbooks and the recipes I’ve tried. I didn’t buy many new things, just replaced some worn-out cutting boards. So here are just a few things I cooked recently:

Home-made baba ganoush with crunchy vegetables.
Note that purple carrots have a yellow center!
Salmon croquettes from Trader Joe’s frozen salmon filets.
Soup for a winter night — many of my posts this month deal with winter!
Meatball salad with ginger-soy dressing.
Inspired by my new Asian cookbooks.

I’m sharing with other bloggers who show what they have in their kitchen each month. For a list of links to their posts see

This post and all photos © 2020 by mae sander for maefood dot blogspot dot


Jeanie said...

I love seeing your kitchen posts and really like your collection of little jugs. Especially that blue and white one near the top. I'm longing to cook and hoping to get the oven installed next week. Meanwhile, like you, I've been making soup. To be honest, I'm getting a little sick of it, even though it was best thing ever after I made it! Maybe I'll freeze the last two servings!

Angie's Recipes said...

I love those jugs and pitchers, Mae. I would love to try that meatball salad. Have a wonderful weekend, Mae!

crackercrumblife said...

Meatball salad sounds interesting! My son loves meatballs.

I love all your pitchers, especially the pottery ones.

Sherry's Pickings said...

hi Mae

you have the same tea towel as me! the one behind the jug in the second photo. i love jugs too! i have many around the place. i just wish i used them more. and that green and brown pitcher is just fabulous. i love a good bit of pottery, as you may have guessed. Yep baba ganoush is a winner in my book. it has to be very smoky and garlic-y tho to be truly delicious. have a good Feb.

Gerlinde de Broekert said...

I like your jugs and pitchers . I have some but I rarely use them. Have a great weekend Mae!

Iris Flavia said...

Oh, you will never ever ask me to visit you - I´m that elephant, you know.
But the udder I have, too. Filled with sand, safely put on a board I do not touch :-)

Jackie McGuinness said...

What a lovely collection you have!

Deb in Hawaii said...

Love all of your little pitchers and cruets. and your homemade baba ganoush looks delicious too. ;-)

Nan said...

I love the look of the baba ganoush. And those carrots!! Carrots are so beautiful now.

Shaheen said...

So many lovely jugs, i esp. love the pottery one. I also have the cow creamer, so snap there. Baba Ghanoush is not something i make, though when i do get to eat some when I am out, i wonder why not.

(Diane) bookchickdi said...

Thanks for the peek into your kitchen!

Tina said...

The Asian cookbook is a hit, wanting that meatball salad. And that soup....big fan of soup.

Tandy | Lavender and Lime ( said...

What a great selection of pitchers. I am intrigued by the first photograph as the handle really catches the eye.

Johanna GGG said...

Those jugs are gorgeous (and your naming of them) - my favourite is the blue flower one and I guessed that the crystal decanter is an antique? I love your crudite platter with the stripey carrots and the soup too (because I love a good winter soup)

dreams of sourdough said...

Such cool jugs! I've been minimising and wonder if I'll ever have such a cool eclectic collection of anything in my tiny place