Saturday, April 30, 2016

Open Air Market, Arles

Flavors of Provence at the Saturday market in Arles: olives, asparagus, strawberries, lavender and other flavored
honey, sausage made from the meat of the famous bulls of the Camargye, fresh herbs, dried herbs, artichokes,
garlic, and salted cod (for the famous dish brandade de morue).

Fish and Shellfish at the Market

Other Products 

Fifteen flavors of macarons. We bought 12 of them and shared with all the other people on our tour.
Everyone seemed to love the unique flavor of their personal macron.

A popular snack truck for the market people. 

Produce from various places. Many of the stalls had imported fruit
and vegetables such as melons from Morocco, asparagus from
Spain, oranges and pineapple from Kenya, and so on.
After a morning of birdwatching we had a picnic which our tour guides had purchased in the market before we left.


Carole said...

Fabulous market! Cheers from Carole's Chatter!

Claudia said...

Looks like you're having fun on your trip. Did you buy produce at the market to cook for yourselves?

Molly said...

I adore open air markets, and this one in Arles looks extra special!

~~louise~~ said...

Oh what fun, Mae, a Smörgåsbord in France!!! Have a ball!!!

Nan said...

Lucky, lucky you! I would love to go there!

Beth F said...

Oh wow! Look at all that wonderful bounty. I love everything from the fish to the baked goods to the spices. What a fabulous trip.

jama said...

Wow! Everything looks amazing -- so fresh and colorful. Thanks for sharing the pics!

Jeanie said...

I think I would be terribly frustrated at that market and not having a place where I could buy a lot and cook it all! It's glorious -- I can practically smell all the wonderful fresh produce, the fish -- everything! What great fun. (And oh! Macarons!)