Friday, May 31, 2024

Food In May

Kitchens in Paris

Ta Dam Restaurant, May 27

Hotel breakfast kitchen,

The end: we had to cut the trip short, and came home after only 2 days. More about that eventually.

In Ann Arbor

Mother’s Day Kitchen

Len made me my favorite cinnamon rolls, which we ate at the kitchen counter.

From Carol’s Kitchen

Carol invited us for a Mother’s Day dinner and made this great pie!
(So this is from Carol’s kitchen, also in Ann Arbor.)

Lunches and Dinners from my Kitchen

Salad, chips, and salsa: lunch in the garden.

Simple sandwich lunch.

French potato salad — “pommes à l’huile" — is one of our favorites.

In my kitchen by mae… © 2024… shared with Sherry and fellow food bloggers here.


Divers and Sundry said...

So much delicious food! My mouth is watering 👍 I love your outdoor dining area.

eileeninmd said...

I am sorry to hear your trip was cut short, I hope all is well.
The food photos all look delicious, great choices.
Take care, have a great weekend.

Iris Flavia said...

Hmmm, this all looks so yummy. Sad you had to leave after only two days... hope all is good?

Jo Tracey said...

A very yummy looking month. I'd love to try that rhubarb pie.

Marg said...

The rhubarb pie looks delicious!!

Hope everything is good with you

Sherry's Pickings said...

Lots of delicious foods there Mae. Hope you are doing well. Your simple sandwich looks tasty. I can't believe it is June already. The first day of winter for us here. Thanks for joining in this month.

My name is Erika. said...

I'm so sorry to read you had to cut the trip short. That's a bummer, but your reasons must have been good. All your food looks so yummy. Good thing I have some breakfast right now. Hope all is well to start off JUne. hugs-Erika

Lori said...

All of the food is delicious looking. And I love the look of a very functional kitchen. I'm sorry to hear you had to cut your trip short. I hope all is well with you and your family.

Jeanie said...

You really should be a food photographer -- every photo you show always makes everything look just fabulous, like a magazine shot!

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said...

Wow, everything looks delicious, and OMG, that rhubarb pie!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

You always eat well wherever you are!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I am sad that your trip was cut short. I hope it was not from an illness, yours or a loved one.

You fixed some amazing meals and you always make me hungry. I want to try the peanut butter noodles. I would love to have even 1/2 your food budget.

Emma at Words And Peace / France Book Tours said...

Note to self: ONLY visit Mae's posts when I am full, otherwise they make me crazy hungry!!
By the way, I finally started Buried for Pleasure, and really loving it

Happy Retiree's Kitchen said...

The rhubarb pie looks delicious Mae, and everything else is so light and summery. Lovely to eat al fresco in the garden, perfect for Summer. Lunch doesn't need to be complicated really does it, yours just look so delicious.

Tandy | Lavender and Lime ( said...

Sorry you had to cut your trip to Paris short. That is really like your true second home. Hope all is OK?

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear that your trip to Paris was cut short - I know we haven't met in real life but please know I'd be happy to help if you were here again and needed help! take care x

dreams of sourdough at

PS. peanut butter noodles have stolen my heart

Slabs said...

WOW, so many wonderful and delicious meals you prepared.
I visited you via Sherry Pickings. My entry this month is #12.
Please join and share your posts with us

Johanna GGG said...

Lots of lovely summer food. As always it is so interesting to browse some of your posts. So sorry to hear your Paris trip was cut short but you dealt with it here so beautifully with Jane Austen's help. Hope you are now on the mend and have got some good reading in. Persuasion is one of my favourites of Jane Austen.