Monday, May 27, 2024

We Made it to Paris

Paris: evening.

After landing, we made it through all the airport formalities in an hour.
Unfortunately the traffic was terrible, and it took almost two hours to reach the hotel!
Then we had coffee, which is served with a tiny tumbler of water to drink.

On the Plane (8 hours)

Jardin des Plantes: Near our Hotel

 Dinner: Ta Dam Restaurant

Radishes and butter: classic to go with a glass of wine and some bread to start.

Blog post © 2024 mae sander


Vagabonde said...

Bravo, you are more courageous - or reckless - than I am. My two daughters are going to Paris on Saturday and asked me to go with them (paying my trip, too) but I declined – I was afraid there would already be too many people there. Two hours to get to your hotel from the airport, and one hour for customs? That’s a bit much for me (with my French passport I usually go through in 5 minutes or so.) They are also going to Colmar, in Alsace to visit the family, and I have not been to France for a while, but not now – may be next spring when things are calmer. Anyway, have a great time and enjoy your stay.

DVArtist said...

Looks like a very nice trip. I love the photos you have shared. Not bad getting through the airport in an hour. uhhgggg... 2 hours to the hotel? The coffee would be a nice treat after that. Have a great day today.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You are so lucky. However, there is NO WAY I could sit for 8 hours. I would be so stiff, you wouldn't get me out of the seat.

I love that cute bear in the lobby. And a stunning botanical garden, too.

Your coffee may be nearly gone, but the glasses of water and the mug are fabulous additions to T this Tuesday, dear Mae.

I have never heard of starting a meal with radishes, bread, and butter. I'm sure the wine was much to your liking. Thanks for sharing it with us for T, too.

My name is Erika. said...

Have a fabulous trip and Happy T day Mae. Paris must be wonderful right now.

Linda said...

Ah, Paris is a great ciry!

Linda said...

That was supposed to say city, not ciry.

Iris Flavia said...

Maurice is GREAT, literally ;-)
Is there a story behind?
Wonderful gardens and... radish as starter is new to me!
Enjoy, hope you share some more!

Valerie-Jael said...

Enjoy your time in Paris, have fun! Happy T Day, Valerie

eileeninmd said...

Love the photos, especially the garden images.
I hour to get through the airport is good but a two hour ride to the hotel sounds awful. Enjoy your trip! Take care, have a great week!

Empire of the Cat said...

Enjoy your trip to Paris! Happy T Day!

Divers and Sundry said...

So exciting!!! I know you'll have fun, and I look forward to more photos 👍

Lisca said...

Oh, you’re in Paris! How wonderful!
I’ll be in Paris on Friday. I’ll arrive at the Austerlitz station at around 7 in the morning, then I have to make my way to the Gare du Nord and find myself a train to the Netherlands. All the reservations seem to be full, so I’ll enquire at the station. There might be a no-show.
Have a lovely time in Paris and I’m sure you’ll tell us all about it.
Happy T-Day,

nwilliams6 said...

Lucky you! Wonderful pictures. I am jealous. Too bad it is super crowded but then so many places are these days. Happy T-day and hugz

Jeanie said...

Your location couldn't be better, could it? Oh, I'm so glad you are there and I look forward to every post. Jerry tells me it is packed these days. But I know you'll have a marvelous time.

Spyder said...

Haven't been to Paris in years! but it was lovely, visited the Momet gardens, it was a lovely warm day. Lovely pictures! I was sure I came eariler, but I've noticed loads didn't get my comment! Anyway, typing from a different place this weekend, so internet should be A okay! Happy very late T Day! ((Lyn))

eileeninmd said...

Hello Mae,
Wonderful photos from Paris. The Teddy Bear is adorable.
I am sure the city is busy getting ready for the Olympic Games.
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

Adam Jones said...

Some lovely photos Mae. My daughter would want to take that bear home and she's nearly 21!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Wow! I'm so happy for you and I know you will enjoy every minute you are there! Take lots of photos! heehee! Hugs! How do you say hugs in French?

Sami said...

Cute bear in the hotel lobby. Enjoy Paris Mae :)

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Two hours to get to your hotel! Oh my!

I'm sad you had to return home early. But a trip to Paris, no matter how brief, is always worth it.