Saturday, May 27, 2023

On TV: The Chelsea Flower Show

The annual Chelsea Flower Show takes place at the Royal Chelsea Hospital, 
which is a retirement home for British Army veterans. 
My friend Sheila has often told me about it in other years. 
We have been watching the BBC coverage of the show, which takes place all this week.

Over 170,000 visitors tour more than 30 gardens and over 100 displays. (From the Guardian.)

If you enjoy gardens and gardening, this series is fun to watch!
Several announcers interviewed a number of participants about their displays.
The Royal Horticultural Society has sponsored the show since its beginnings in 1913.

May, 2022: Queen Elizabeth toured the Chelsea Flower Show,
as she had done throughout her reign.
The BBC special showed photos of her visits through the years.


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I've always been interested in watching the Chelsea Flower Show. There's something compelling about seeing people make extraordinary displays from ordinary things, like flowers.

Bonsai is something I'm especially curious about.

I'll look to see where I can watch a bit of this. Thanks for sharing this, Mae.

My name is Erika. said...

That flower show would be amazing to visit, but I'm glad it's on TV. I need to look and see if I can find it. Happy long weekend. Hugs-Erika

eileeninmd said...

Looks like a great show. I would love to see the gardens in person.
Have a great weekend.

Tina said...

That's a show I would enjoy. What an event to attend, that would fun.

You mentoned the burger on my post - it wasn't worth it in the long run :-) Our bodies are happier with healthy foods.

Jeanie said...

I have that on my Britbox watch list!

Joy said...

I've heard about the Chelsea Flower Show. I even fantasized over a garden tour trip once that included it. I didn't know there was coverage of it. Cool!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I don't get the BBC, but I went to the Chelsea Flower Show web site and saw the winners of the various gardens. You had access to a lot more than the web site offered, though.

Mark Baker said...

Thanks for sharing these great pictures.

Terrie said...

I LOVE gardens and creativity so this seems like a fun show - I'll have to hunt for it. When we travel, we always seek out a botanical or formal garden to enjoy. Have a terrific week.
Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

Trin Carl said...

I love those flowers . we have an aborteum in Minnesota and it's pretty great.

Jinjer-The Intrepid Angeleno said...

Oh my...trying to imagine if I was Queen and had to attend that event every year. I would be sitting there all proper and royal in my beautiful pink outfit and here would come a bee or a wasp buzzing around and the entire world would see me jump up, flailing and screaming.

I love bonsai!

Cindy said...

Thanks for sharing! I love seeing all the flower pictures. Have a great week!

JoAnn said...

I've heard of the Chelsea Flower Show, but had no idea there was a show that covered it! Will have to see if I can get it...

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Lovely photos Mae. I love the Bonsai - I've always wanted one but poisonous to cats unfortunately. Have a wonderful week.

reese said...

I love touring gardens--I didn't know the Chelsea flower show got BBC coverage. That would be fun!