Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas!

Christmas breakfast: cinnamon rolls and Swedish cardamom knots, baked by Len.

Our kind neighbor brought us two plates of her cookie assortment.

Mediterranean style Christmas lunch:  stuffed grape leaves, cucumbers, eggplant, olives, and more.

Christmas Dinner: Focaccia from The Great British Baking Show Cookbook.
We also ate roasted salmon and snap peas with mushrooms.

trim.26C0F8A4-C377-41B8-AF47-553529EAB387Finally: an aerial view of our neighbors' Christmas lighting extravaganza, taken on Christmas Eve with Len's drone.


Divers and Sundry said...

What a spread! Y'all are having a real feast :)

Your neighbors definitely got carried away lol I imagine they draw folks from outside the neighborhood to see that. Wow!

Merry Christmas

Tina said...

Your table of food looks wonderful! Love those cinnamon rolls and your neighbors light display!

Anne in the kitchen said...

Your food looks delicious, and your neighbors Christmas display is definitely worth seeing!

Tandy | Lavender and Lime ( said...

I am going to do Mediterranean lunches and dinners when we get home. We've eaten far too many rich meals since we've been away. Did you have to get your neighbours permission to take and share drone footage? We are not allowed to do that here.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Mae

Your table and food looks and sound delicious. I would a cinnamon roll with my coffee this morning. Love the drone photo, the neighbor's lights look pretty.
I hope you had a very Merry Christmas, I wish you a happy and healthy New Year! Take care, enjoy your day! Have a great new week ahead.

Harvee44 said...

What a lovely sperad! Yummy. Happy rest of holidays.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You had breakfast, lunch, and dinner all covered in a rather non-traditional way. Now I;m really hungry. Merry belated Christmas, Mae.

thecuecard said...

The drone photo is quite interesting, wow! And of course those cinnamon buns look scrumptious. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.