Sunday, September 24, 2023

Around Me

 Finally: New Bridges at the Botanical Garden

New handrails on a small bridge at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens.

For three years, this bridge has been closed, cutting off easy access to the prettiest trails in the gardens.
At last, the funding was secured, the bridge was built, and it’s open for us to enjoy.

A Fall Iris

Near the Library Downtown

Photos © 2023 mae sander


Harvee44 said...

We went for a walk along an older but still sturdy wooden bridge at our local metropark this morning. Very refreshing and still green. I love your pictures!

Lori said...

I love the bridge.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Congrats on the new bridge and those who funded it.

Nice murals. They are all so very different. Apparently a collaboration of several artists.

Suzanne Yester said...

Nothing like walking in a beautiful garden to refresh your soul. Looks very peaceful there. I love the wall art! Recently we had an artist paint some walls in the little town next to ours. Love seeing art out in the open! Have a great week!

Suzanne @ Chick with Books 

Suzanne Yester said...

Nothing like a walk in a beautiful place to refresh the soul! I love the wall art! Recently there was an artist who painted the side of a building in the little town next to us. It's nice to see art out in the open. Have a nice week!


kwarkito said...

il semblerait que l'automne fasse doucement son apparition par chez vous. j'aime beaucoup cette série de photos

anno said...

Beautiful new bridge -- and I enjoyed the pictures you found along the way. All the new public art in Ann Arbor is staggering--and exciting to see. Thank you!

Cloudia said...

Blessings on your new bridge that looks sturdy and beautiful!

Iris Flavia said...

Three years?! And I thought in Germany they are slow... At least it´s pretty.
LOL, I feel just like that. A little "munched down" in my head. Sadly no rain.
Wonderful murals.

eileeninmd said...

Love the new bridge, iris and the murals. Nice looking trail.
Take care, have a wonderful week!

Sami said...

So nice that a bridge was built for all to enjoy the botanical gardens.
I just visited Perth's botanical gardens (Kings Park) today to see the Spring flowers. Beautiful photo of the white iris.
Love the ballerina's mural, so sweet.
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Mae.

thecuecard said...

Hooray for the bridge. It looks sturdy. And the gardens look lush. Enjoy.

Marja said...

I love the dancing ladies on the mural. I adore botanical gardens Yours is beautiful Looking at the flowers it seems it is spring at your place as well?

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Good news that the bridge has been replaced. I guess there is so much demand for funds these days that projects get delayed or not done at all. Now you’ll be able to enjoy all of the gardens.

Jeanie said...

A fall iris -- that's something you don't see often. I really am glad they replaced the bridge. It looks terrific.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

What a difference.a bridge makes. Glad you have access again. The white iris is stunning.