Friday, July 19, 2013

A Dinner in Paris

Two weeks ago: dinner at Le Baratin, a wine-bar and restaurant near the home of our
friends Jean and Natalie, and a favorite of theirs.
Left to right: Laurent, Jean, me, Len.

Unusual combination: tiny raw clams with radishes, bits of chopped cherry, and herbs.
It would be impossible to try to replicate this, as I have never seen little clams like this in Ann Arbor or California.
White anchovies with an eggplant dish, my delicious second course
(though it was offered as a small plate).
Laurent about to eat...
Laurent and Natalie


~~louise~~ said...

Oh I love clams, Mae. I can't say I've ever seen them so small either. Not even Little necks are as tiny.

It sure sounds like you had some really delicious meals on your trip.

Thank you so much for sharing...

Mae Travels said...

The French name is palourdes, which means tiny shellfish.

Jeanie said...

Was it as delicious as it sounds? And looks? Oh, those clams are tres petite!