Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I've found some new and interesting food blogs to read. New to me, that is. Recent items that I think are worth looking at:

"African and African-American Cuisines", a post at BetumiBlog describes American confusion between Afro-Carribean cooking, African-American cooking, and the many types of cooking in Africa. I was interested to learn how rice, yams, and other staples vary among the various traditions. The author appears to be an American food scholar with lots of personal and travel experience.

Safari Cooking: The Cook and Safari Cooking: Equipment are two posts describing how food was organized and prepared for safaris of 100 years ago, and is one of a series of posts on historic food in Africa in the past. It appears in the blog Gherkins & Tomatoes, a food-history blog.

Food Museum blog offers thoughts on food issues -- what I've read so far suggests that it's quite varied and appealing


Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) said...

All three of these are new to me, too. I'm going to check them out. Thanks so much for introducing us to these fascinating blogs.

Fran said...

Thank you for the kind words, Mae. I look forward to you joining our conversations. BTW, I see that you're also interested in food in books: have you ever read Dorinda Hafner's I Was Never Here and This Never Happened (1996)? I recommend it.

Cindy said...


Thank you for mentioning my blog and my work in the safaris.

More to come starting Monday, April 20.
