Friday, July 19, 2024

Sunny Summer Days


In the garden

The herbs keep growing.

We walked along the Huron River.

Summer Reading

I read one more mystery by E.C.R. Lorac: Checkmate to Murder (1944)
Quite enjoyable!

Throughout Lorac’s novel, we keep coming back to one character, Roseanne, and her preparation of a stew to feed the men who were assembled while the murder next door was taking place:

“Rosanne returned to her cooking. She had undertaken to produce supper for five people at nine o’clock. The chess players and Delaunier had each provided a ration of something ‘to put into the pot,’ and Rosanne was contriving a savoury stew from the miscellaneous collection brought in by the others, added to the meat and vegetables she had bought for herself. Actually she loathed cooking, but with the rare common sense which characterised her, she had taught herself to cook, and to cook well, in order to prevent Bruce squandering their slender means on restaurant meals.” (p. 8)

It’s a well-plotted mystery, and the characters are interesting though not necessarily likable. Inspector Macdonald, of course, succeeds again.

A major success by World Central Kitchen described in detail.
I have enormous respect for this organization and its founder José Andrés. 

This book was published in 2018 about the events following the hurricane in Puerto Rico the previous year. Unfortunately, it’s still painfully relevant both in terms of the challenge of how to deal with natural disasters, and in the horrific indifference and cruelty shown by then-President Trump towards the American citizens (that is, the people of Puerto Rico) whose entire world was destroyed and who were starving and homeless.

Photos © 2024 mae sander


Anu said...

Hello. Mr Toad is a very handsome frog :)

eileeninmd said...

The toad is cute! I like the trail along the river.
Your plants look beautiful. I will have to look for the Lorac mystery.
The WCK is doing great things! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

Shiju Sugunan said...

Your garden looks lovely! Mr. Toad stands out today.

Jenn Jilks said...

I love toads! I'll have to change my header!

I've only seen one here in 12 years!!!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I've only seen frog/toads a few time in over 35 years of on property! Beautiful summer photos and particularly the geraniums in the vibrant blue ceramic pots!!

Divers and Sundry said...

I'm excited to see your toad! How nice that is to have him there.

thathappyreader said...

Your photos are lovely and your garden is beautiful! Mr Toad is lucky someone didn’t squish him! Have a great weekend.

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

Love the garden photos. I haven't been out as much as usual with a sprained knee. but I am getting PT so soon, I hope. Soon I will take some photos of my walks and yard.

Cindy said...

Toad seems a little lost, LOL! Have a great week!

thecuecard said...

Mr. Toad looks like a big guy. Glad he visited you all. a Good luck charm.

My name is Erika. said...

Gorgeous plants Mae. Mine are looking super too, but we need rain here in my spot. And thanks for the mystery book review. It sounds good. Trump did show Puerto Rico such indifference when that hurricane hit, which is sad because they are, like you and I, Americans. Have a super rest of your weekend. hugs-Erika

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

I haven't read E. C. R. Lorac.
I am going to see if my library carries his books.

Jeanie said...

Another Lorac! Love her but this one is new to me. (Does someone die from an ingredient in the stew? That would be interesting!)

Sherry's Pickings said...

we mostly have cane toads which are noxious pests here! So we kill them by spraying Dettol on them!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

To have a toad on the porch must surely be a talisman of good fortune! As for Trump’s callous indifference to the people of Puerto Rico I can only hope that voters throughout the United States remember it. If ever there was an “anybody but” election this is it.

Debra Eliotseats said...

I'm sure you've seen We Feed People. Such a lovely man.