Sunday, March 23, 2025

Shopping Center Murals, Novi, Michigan

Novi, Michigan, is around  35 miles from our house in Ann Arbor. Recently, we made a shopping trip to a mall there to buy some wood and tools for a project Len is about to do. While waiting for him, I was surprised to find murals illustrating the businesses in the mall — I took a few photos.

A mural at Rockler Woodworking and Hardware, the store where Len was shopping.

An illustration of one of the main types of merchandise at the chain store Men’s Warehouse.

More at Men’s Warehouse.

A mural in a corridor between various parts of the mall.

A pretty ordinary mall.

In case you are wondering, Novi, Michigan, is said to get its name because it was stop number six — that is No. VI — on an old stagecoach road. Several other explanations also exist for this unusual name. 

Photos © 2025 mae sander
Shared with Sami’s murals.


Yvonne said...

I love the one with the lighthouse. I've seen a few murals in shopping centers. These are nice. The lighthouse one would make a nice painting.

eileeninmd said...

Great murals! My favorite is the lighthouse!
Have a great day and happy week ahead.

thecuecard said...

I had not heard of Novi so thanks for the explanation of the name. I like the lighthouse mural. Hope you have a nice Sunday.

Jeanie said...

I haven't been to Novi in ages. Have you ever eaten at Guernsey? They have awesome ice cream!

Mae Travels said...

@Jeanie — Guernsey brand ice cream is available at our local bulk foods store (though it’s packaged like any ice cream). It’s definitely wonderful!

magiceye said...

Very pretty murals!

Sherry's Pickings said...

I like the explanation of the name for Novi. Very clever! Love the lighthouse mural, as I am a huge fan of lighthouses - and murals!

Emma at Words And Peace / France Book Tours said...

The lighthouse mural is gorgeous. Cool explanation of the origin of the name!!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Thanks for the explanation of the name. I would have concluded that it had something to do with “new.”

Sami said...

A nice collection of murals at the mall. My favourite is the lighthouse one. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Mae.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I've never seen a shopping mall with murals -- the ones I see tend to be in "old town' sections .... I like these, certainly more fun to look at than posters with prices.

Granny Sue said...

Is this mall as empty as the ones around here? Malls seem to thrive in some locations but not here. I like the murals.
And I like that explanation of the town's name! I am always interested in little tidbits like that.

Linda said...

Interesting. I like the first one and the pretty lighthouse scene.