Saturday, May 11, 2024

Dragons and Other Creatures

In the past week, we visited three sisters: my sister (and brother-in-law) in Indiana, and Len’s two sisters in St.Louis. We also spent a morning at the St.Louis Art Museum with Len’s niece, and visited the Missouri Botanical Gardens. It was great to visit with everyone and catch up on the lives of their children, grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. 

Dragons, Lion-Dogs, and More

At the museum in St. Louis we enjoyed several exhibits. I especially enjoyed seeing a number of interesting objects with fanciful creatures depicted on them. These came from China, Japan, New Guinea, Africa, and the ancient Middle East.

Note: this image is from an auction site, not my photo. All other photos are mine.

Amphora with Dished Mouth and Two Dragon Handles,
China, Tang Dynasty, late 7th-early 8th century.

Wine Ewer with Design of Phoenix-Headed Spout and Chi-Dragons.
China, 4th century BC, bronze.

Detail from a wall hanging with a design of Dragon and Phoenix amidst Waves and Clouds.
Japan, late 19th century.

Footed Cup with Ibex. 
Iranian, Chalcolithic Period, late 4th millennium BC

Detail of a memorial sculpture called a Malagan with a hornbill figure.
Papua New Guinea. Late 19th-early 20th century.

Detail of African beaded crown, 20th century.

Wedgwood Teapot, England, Early 19th century.


In West Lafayette last Saturday night, we had sushi at a very amusing restaurant called Sakanaya Izakaya. As in most sushi restaurants, the rolls have amusing names — especially this one:

I loved the paper lanterns that decorated the restaurant.

Blog post © 2024 mae sander.


magiceye said...

Wonderful craftsmanship

Breathtaking said...

Hello Mae :)
All the exhibits are very curious. As purely decorative items they are well crafted. The tapestry is a work of art.
All the best

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful art work! I enjoyed the collection of critters.
The Footed Cup with Ibex and the Sculpture with the Hornbill are favorites.
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

LA Paylor said...

gosh I just love museums!

I miss traveling... I wanted to email an answer to the pin cushion question on my blog... I have a layer of walnut shells which are great for pins and needles to keep them sharp, but also a top layer of fluff so I'm already using that little house as a pin holder! It's fun to use something whimsical.
I love a Japanese inspired garden, your photos are great

Jeanie said...

The Godzilla roll is definitely well named! The museum looks great and I'm so glad you had time to spend with family. That's the best!

Iris Flavia said...

The African beaded crown is my fav. And the food, hmmmmm...yum (glad I just had the first BBQ of the year).

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

It's been months since I've been to a museum. I need to do that. Soon.

The sushi looks incredibly intricate. Yet another food I've never eaten!

Barwitzki said...

Thank you for the beautiful exhibits. They are incredibly exciting exhibits and make you want to go to the museum again.
Sushi is great - I haven't had it in a long time.
Viola sends you a happy Saturday evening greeting.

Jinjer-The Intrepid Angeleno said...

I looooove museums and I love that teapot with a lion-dog spout!!!

I also love sushi and that Godzilla roll looks craaaaaazy!

Love the paper lanterns.

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

The Godzilla roll is hilarious!

I loved your attention to detail in your photos. Thanks for sharing.

Shiju Sugunan said...

Fascinating finds at the museum! Love the dragon amphora and the sushi roll names.

Nicky said...

Lovely photos! Some really fascinating items there.

Joy said...

I'm glad that you enjoyed your time in St. Louis. You visited my two favorite spots: the Missouri Botanical Garden and the Art Museum.

Jenn Jilks said...

I like dragons!

JoAnn said...

Several of my FL neighbors are from St. Louis... I'd love to visit one day. Lovely photos!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How nice to have a trip that gives you time with family. I love the colorful photos today!

Debbie said...

such beautiful works of art. i enjoy colorful museums like this!!