Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Light and Shadows

 A Walk near the Huron River

A Walk on the University of Michigan Campus

Burton Tower.

One group of figures from the fountain created by Carl Milles, “Sunday Morning in Deep Waters” (1940)
The water has been drained for the winter season.

This fountain is my favorite local work of art.

The fountain in summer during the Ann Arbor Art Fair, 2019.

A cupola above the Engineering Arch at the University of Michigan, no longer dominates
the skyline as a new high-rise apartment building is under construction nearby.

Photos © 2023 mae sander


  1. Hello,

    Love the bare trees and all the shadow shots, the sculptures are beautiful.

    Take care, have a great day!

  2. Black and white photos are always so interesting to look at. They show things in a way we can't see with our eyes, don't they? hugs-Erika

  3. All of your photos are great but I've always loved black and white photos. There is just something about them.

  4. Lovely photos, Mae. I especially like the b/w.

  5. The b/w ones are really charming.

  6. Oh, I really like the black-and-white photos.

  7. Some pretty pics. Love the trees! gorgeous.

  8. Great pictures -- interesting perspectives, and an important reminder that sometimes it's worth looking up!

  9. I love your shadows, especially the "geometric: ones and they are all beautiful.

  10. Your black and white shots are stunning.


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