Monday, November 13, 2023

Grindavik, Iceland: Waiting for the volcano

The volcano near the small town of Grindavik, Iceland, is currently releasing a huge magma flow underground. No one can predict exactly where it will surface. Unfortunately, Grindavik is very threatened, and the inhabitants have been evacuated to safer locations. As of this morning they hope the eruption will be out to sea, but the people are still not allowed back home.

Our Visit to Grindavik 

In August, 2022, on the final day of our tour of Greenland and Iceland on the National Geographic Explorer, we took a bus tour of the area south of the Reykjavik airport before our flight back to the US. We spent a few hours in Grindavik: our schedule had featured a walk in the lava fields first, but we were stopped by the heaviest and most prolonged rainstorm I have ever seen!

Fish and chips, lobster soup, and a glass of water —
a good lunch before a long plane trip! That's why no alcohol for us.
The fish was fresh catch from the local fishing boats.

Adjacent to the restaurant dining room was an area where the fishermen were 
working on their nets.

We didn’t see the mountains because of the dark low cloud cover and the pelting rain.
This is the famous Blue Lagoon, which has also been closed because of the threat of volcanic eruption.
Some of our fellow passengers opted to bathe in the Blue Lagoon despite the weather: not us!

Grindavik is located on the Reykjanes peninsula near the Fagradalsfjall volcano (one of 33 active volcanos in Iceland). After eight centuries of dormancy, the volcano erupted in March 2021, August 2022, and July 2023, but these events were distant from populated areas. It’s hard to imagine how terrible it must be to have your home and entire town in such danger!

Photos © 2022 mae sander


  1. I've been watching the news on this. I have online knitting friends in Iceland, none in danger that I know of. I enjoyed your photo's. It must be a very tense time there for everyone involved.

  2. I'm fascinated with this story and I keep looking for photos of what's going on. We were in Grindavik in June. It was also raining. And we had dinner there and drove through the town. I had lobster soup and salt cod. We weren't with a tour, so you probably had more info about the area than we did. I like this timely post, and let's see what else happens in this town. Happy T day mae. hugs-Erika

  3. I was just reading about the possible eruption! I've always wanted to visit Iceland; maybe one day. It looks amazing. I love that photo of the fisherman mending his net!

  4. My flatmates were in Reykjavik in... 1998. They never stopped telling how beautiful it was.
    Grindavik now sure is in our news, too. Frightening it must be...

  5. I feel for the inhabitants of Grindavik. Your photos make it seem so realistic. Loved you shared a meal and water with us to add to the beauty of the land. Thanks so much for this very unique post for T this Tuesday, dear Mae.

  6. I hadn't picked up that bit of news about the eruption. How awful. It must be very frightening to be evacuated.
    Iceland has always been on my bucket list. Who knows...
    Happy T-Day,
    PS: I just got my phone back. It's charging as I speak (write)

  7. Hello Mae,
    I heard Iceland was on the news recently, that people were being evacuated.
    That is scary, living near a live volcano. I enjoyed my trip to Iceland in 2019, it is a beautiful country. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  8. I have been watching this on TV. It must be very scary, I hope the people there will be brought to safety. Happy T Day, Valerie

  9. Each week we eat fish... it`s delicious and I liked to read about here.

  10. Like you, I'm following the news on the volcano. I think it always concerns us even more if we know the place. This was the case for us when Kilauea on the Big Island erupted in 2018 and destroyed and reshaped so many parts in the Puna District, my favorite part of the island. Maybe you feel like that as well since it's not that long ago that you were in this part of Iceland.

  11. I've been hearing about the Volcano in the news.Thank you for sharing the photos... Happy T day Mae! Hugs! deb

  12. I've been seeing news stories about this. Scary!

    Fresh fish is always a real treat. Happy T Tuesday

  13. OH, what a beautiful place! Loved seeing your photos from your trip.
    Happy Tea Day,

  14. ABC World news has been carrying the story about the volcano and the evacuation. Very scary. That fish and chips with lobster bisque looks very good. Happy T Day

  15. Hi Mae, a beautiful place, our DIL and GSs were there this summer, so worrying for the people right now, your meal looks delicious.
    Happy T Day
    Jan S

  16. Yes how frightening! I saw the latest news where smoke was coming up through the streets and they were trying to protect the power plant. I'm glad you went last year and not now. Happy T Day! Elle xx

  17. Iceland looks so beautiful- every time I see photos I wish I could go but hubby isn't so keen on the idea. Happy T Day, Chrisx

  18. Iceland has never called me but those who have traveled there sing its praises highly. I don't think I'd like living near a volcano, though!

  19. I didn't realize they have 33 volcanoes in Iceland! How many people in that small town? thx for the travelogue.

  20. I've been following this sad tale.


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