Sunday, November 12, 2023

Detroit Street Art Part 1

“Girl With a D Earring” by Sydney G. James.
I’m sure you recognize the prototype for this huge painting!

Untitled by Sydney G. James

Untitled by Georgie Nakima.

“Lafayette and Mr Gardener”  by Ijania Cortez.

“Transference I: A Portrait of Corey Teamer” by Ijania Cortez
The walls in the railroad underpasses are a favorite site for fantastic paintings.

We recently spent a day in Detroit, first at the Detroit Institute of Arts, and then in the neighborhood of the DIA looking at street art. This area is around 40 miles from our home in Ann Arbor, but not very familiar to us other than the museum.

We had a map of the many murals in the area (Mural Map Detroit Arts) to guide our search. The beauty and imaginativeness of these murals is fabulous. Throughout the city, the map points to many more sites where walls and streets have been covered with great art work — as well as some marked “ARCHIVED” as they are evidently no longer extant. Today I have shown only a few of the ones we saw: I have at least two more posts to show my favorite photos from this visit. Eventually, I hope to explore more of the murals of Detroit.

Blog post and photos © 2023 mae sander
Murals credited where I could.


  1. Nice job, thank you, Mae! Aloha

  2. I wish Wichita had created a map with all the small icons like Detroit has. These are amazing Mae. I like the ones you have chosen for this first entry.

  3. Wonderful collection of murals! It is nice that there is a mural guide map.
    Happy Sunday, have a wonderful week!

  4. I enjoy the street art that you can find in cities! Vancouver has some excellent ones as does San Francisco and Lyon France. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Awesome collection of murals. Such beautiful artwork.

  6. I love seeing art in different places! Have a great week!

  7. That's a great collection! Thank you for showing us some murals from Detroit.
    The girl with the D Earring is gorgeous!

  8. Beautiful finds and how handy they offer a map!
    Reckon that´s a freight train in the pic?

  9. Fabulous murals Mae. All the portraits are great, but my favourite is the "girl with the earring". It's huge and very well done.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Mae.

  10. I think the first one is the most beautiful. Not because it refers to Vermeer, but because the girl is the only one I know. But they're all amazing murals!

  11. Oh wow! Brilliant murals!

  12. they are all truly awesome.


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