Sunday, September 29, 2024

Botanical Gardens: Fall Flowers and Birds

Mosaic murals on the wall of the greenhouse and laboratory building at the Botanical Gardens.
Each mural is displayed separately, but I’ve put them all together.

This kingfisher was one of many birds we saw on our walk. Many birds are flocking and either already on the move or getting ready to migrate. We saw goldfinches, a blue-headed vireo, a blue heron, and several species of sparrows, warblers, woodpeckers, and others.

I liked the two turtles on a rock in the pond.

Photos © 2024 mae sander


eileeninmd said...

The mosaic murals are pretty. I love the kingfisher, turtle and the yellowlegs video. Pretty wildflowers! Take care, have a wonderful week!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Beautiful images and close-ups. Interesting video. Never heard of yellowlegs before.

Yvonne said...

These pictures are so beautiful. I especially love the mosaic. Lovely.

Linda said...

Nice photos. I love the mosaic.

Emma at Words And Peace / France Book Tours said...

So lovely. I just took a few hundreds bird pictures doing my week in the woods, but haven't processed them yet