Friday, August 16, 2024

One Day of Birding in Ecuador

We spent one day birding in the area of Mindo, Ecuador, around two hours’ drive from Quito. We had a very good guide who took us to several places where we could see a variety of species. Ecuador has one of the most diverse bird populations in the world, especially hummingbirds. I have selected a very small number of photos to share for the moment.

Crimson-Rumped Toucanet

Glistening-Green Tanager

Red-headed Barbet



Pacific Hornero

Feeding hummingbirds from your hand is amazing. You feel the air being stirred up by their beating wings.
When they perch on your hand their tiny claws give a very odd sensation.
We each had the opportunity to do this: the photo shows Len’s hand.

Black-capped Tanager

All photos © 2024 mae sander.


  1. Hello. Beautiful birds. Excellent photos.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Our nature is again and again a wonder of surprise. The birds here are such lovely Exemplare. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Such beauties! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Wow, those birds are most fabulous! Feeding hummingbirds from your hand must have been amazing.

  5. Hello Mae,
    It is a great idea to have a bird guide for the area.
    I have heard of many birders traveling to Ecuador, it is a beautiful place to see these gorgeous birds. I love them all, the hummingbirds are special. Wonderful collection of photos! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  6. What an adventure! I've never seen such amazing birds, with their brilliant and diverse colors, all in one place. Such a fantastic experience to do so!

    Coincidentally, I am reading Annie Dillard's Teaching a Stone to Talk, a collection of her nature essays, and I came to "In the Jungle," an essay about her experiences along the Napo River in Ecuador. A quote from the essay: "The point of going somewhere like the Napo River in Ecuador is not to see the most spectacular anything. It is simply to see what is there. We are here on the planet only once, and might as well get a feel for the place."

    I look forward to hearing more about how this trip has given you more of a feel for the place.

  7. Wow Mae. You saw some beautiful and amazing birds. I didn't know Ecuador was such a birding hot spot. Safe travels.

  8. Hello Mae :)
    Great shots of these beautiful and exotic looking birds. What a fabulous experience to have such confiding Hummingbirds drink
    from your hand.
    All the best

  9. That green tanager looks like velvet! You sure see a lot in one outing in that country! Amazing photos too. I know you had such fun taking them!

  10. Wow, you got some great pictures!!! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Oh, your post has just brought back a wonderful experience: In 2011 we also had the opportunity to feed hummingbirds in Jamaica. This is my post from back then with a few photos:
    It is simply wonderful to feel these delicate little birds on your skin... Your photos are fantastic - the birding in Ecuador was absolutely worth it!

    All the best from Austria and have a nice weekend, Traude

  12. Stunning birds! Glad to see you are enjoying it all.

  13. Love all these photos, pretty birds.
    You've been to so many interesting places!

  14. Awesome! Thanks for sharing.

  15. Lovely pictures and gorgeous birds! :D It sounds like you had a great time and got to see a lot. Have a great week!

    My Sunday Post

  16. Always exciting to add a new bird to your twitcher's bird list! I saw a new bird last weekend and happily added it. Such great photos Mae.

  17. Very colorful birds. Have a hummingbird in one's hand must feel very unusual. Wow.

  18. Brings back wonderful memories for me.

  19. Gorgeous birds! Thanks for sharing.


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