Sunday, August 18, 2024

Greetings from Galapagos


We made it! Our first sighting from the lounge of the ship was this  rock formation.
It was also the first landmark that Darwin saw on his visit here. Photo © 2024.

Note: Internet connection is spotty. I won’t be commenting on any blogs this week, but I might manage an occasional photo. 


  1. Great view! Take care, enjoy your trip! Have a great day and happy week ahead.

  2. Enjoy. I've recently been looking into visiting the Galapagos. Of course Darwin thought they were Hell on Earth, so I hope you find them better than that description.

  3. Wow! So awesome. You're right where Darwin was. I hope you have a great trip.

  4. Enjoy your holiday. My Dad was there,too, long ago and he was "wohooo".


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