Monday, July 08, 2024

The Tour de France Goes On. Also Elections.

National Elections in France

Final Vote Sunday, July 7

Post-election crowds at Place de la République, Paris, July 7.
First the political news from Paris: the election result on Sunday, July 7, was unexpected. The left-wing coalition won the most votes, while the near-fascist party obtained the fewest votes. A very dangerous result was thus avoided, though many unknowns remain as to how the winners will govern.

Continuing post-election celebration at Place de la République.


Riders in Sunday’s stage of the Tour de France, 2024.
I used to watch this major French sport, but I haven’t been interested in recent years. 
However, I’m participating in the blog event “Paris in July” and thought someone should mention the Tour!
Obviously, I’m not there but I found the photos online.

Jonas Vingegaard downs some water after winning Tuesday’s stage 16 time trial (Getty)
Increasingly hot summers are challenging the cyclists more each year.

Souvenir water bottles. Drinking enough water is obviously a necessity.

Thirsty Riders 2015-2023

All cycling photos are shamelessly copied from news articles on the web. The two Place de la République photos are from CNN. This blog post is shared with Paris in July and with the weekly celebration of drinks at Elizabeth’s blog. 


  1. I love the Tour de France.

  2. Hello,
    I was happy to hear the good news from France about their election.
    Take care, have a great day and a wonderful week!

  3. I love watching the Tour but this year it's hardly on any streaming services unless you pay for Peacock. (Two stages on MSNBC and most of the online is highlights. And three chees to the left French. Watching closely.

  4. The election result was only unexpected by media and pundits. Hundreds of small party candidates withdrew in order to give the leftist a big bloc vote. Astute and very country first. The French came through.

  5. My husband is watching the Tour on TV and I am too sometimes. What amazing athletes! They go so fast. It seemed political disaster was averted in France. Will the U.S. be able to do the same?

  6. I was encouraged by the election in France. I wish it gave me hope for ours.

  7. The world is becoming a growing concern....all over! Love your tour de France pics. WHat an exciting time to be there! #TforTuesday

  8. I was also pleased with the results of the French election. I hope it is a sign for our upcoming elections in the fall.

    I used to watch the Tour de France until I learned about the doping that was so prevalent. I think this is a marvelous way to honor T this week, Mae. I got a kick out of seeing all those water bottles. Thanks for sharing this and French election with us for T this week.

    BTW, the guy filling my order can be seen on the right of the second and third photos from the end. Just look for Frida.

  9. The Brits had a Labour victory and now the French have voted for the left wing. Shall we hope some of that is a good omen for us? Happy T day Mae. hugs-Erika

  10. I was very glad to see fascist party defeated in France. Maybe Americans will do the same

  11. I was very uptight waiting for the election results in France, I am so thankful for the results, and that Labour won back in my home country. I hope other countries will follow suit! Hugs, Valerie

  12. Good news from both France and Britain. Now if you can arrange similar results in the US my happiness will be complete (well not quite, but elevated anyway).

  13. Yes, that was very good (if somewhat unexpected ) news about the elections.
    I've never followed the Tour de France. When I was younger the Dutch cyclists were very good. I don't know if they still are.
    Obviously when I lived in Italy, the Giro d'Italia was very popular and sometimes came through our village.(Mountain etappe)
    Good idea to show the water bottles for the T-Party.
    Happy T-Day,

  14. Dear Mae, I am happy about the French result and would very much hope that the rest of Europe (the rest of the world) would also move away from overly right-wing parties/politicians...
    Ever since I saw a film about doping practices at the Tour de France, I think there are far too many young men out there who don't care about their health... The thirst is just an additional side effect.
    All the best, Traude

  15. Seriously, you think their thirst is due to drugs? Consider this: "Stage 1 of the 2024 Tour de France saw the peloton take on blistering temperatures as the heat index reached 40ºC (104°F). And the riders didn’t have time to cool down on stage 2 either as the mercury hit upwards of 31ºC (88°F)."

  16. We are going to have elections here in Brazil in November. Democracy has to win always! Love Tour de France!

  17. I too was happy about the French election results.
    Not sure what is going to happen here, but I hope for the best.

  18. With the Brits voting in a Labour party and the unexpected results in France, I'm hoping the U.S. completes the trifecta. Happy T Day

  19. Elections are very scary. You never know about manipulation. And here many simply don´t vote!!! Women fought for this back in the day and ... it is a shame.
    Let´s hope for freedom, peace and progress....

  20. Whew! That is a lot of water to carry along. But I can see the need...

  21. I love watching le Tour de France, not for the sport itself, but for all the landscapes. The French do this report so well, with drones, helicopters, and fascinating cultural comments each time we see an old church or castle, or the like. So so good.


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