Sunday, July 07, 2024

Outdoor Art in Ann Arbor and Paris

 Embracing our Differences

An Outdoor Mural Exhibit at Gallup Park from May to October, 2024

“Embracing Our Differences Michigan exhibit is an annual, juried outdoor installation featuring billboard-sized images created by local, national and international artists reflecting their interpretations of the theme ‘Enriching Our Lives Through Diversity’” (source)

One Paris Mural

On our brief Paris visit in May: I saw only one outdoor mural. 

Photos © 2024 mae sander
Shared with Sami’s Monday Murals and Paris in July.


  1. Great collection of murals. It is a nice display at the park.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

  2. Lovely pictures, as usual :)

  3. Frankly, I have to say I'm so happy to see this wonderful post, especially because you are celebrating diversity, because you live in a crucial battleground around the state where every vote will matter. God bless you for caring and being thoughtful. Always a pleasure to see you! Aloha

  4. Those photos are all beautiful. Have a great week!

  5. I love seeing outdoor art displays. What a nice outing!

  6. Wouldn't it be a miracle if people could learn to tolerate one another. I was so upset when someone stole my Pride flag.

  7. That top one is sad....lovely but sad. #MuralMondays

  8. Beautiful. Some of my favourite wall art is in Arles France.

  9. Awesome collection of murals! Nice outing.

  10. Very sad and true first one....

  11. Great variety of murals in the park.
    What a pity you only came across one mural n Paris.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Mae.

  12. You do find the best murals. I find some but I never seem to photograph them! I should!

  13. I hope that you are able to return to Paris to photograph more murals for us soon.

  14. Beautiful Paris mural. Funny you didn't see more, but I guess it depends in which arrondissement you are. Some have a lot. Thanks for sharing


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