Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Ann Arbor Art Fair

Art and People

Evelyn and Miriam at the ceramic fish artists’ booth. The family is spending the weekend here,
partly to visit the Art Fair.

Two of the ceramic fish.

Skin art (we saw lots of this)!

After over a 24 hour delay, thanks to the airline chaos this weekend, Alice is here in time for the end of the Fair.

Food at the Art Fair

Friday: a black bean burger. Saturday: candy-coated nuts.

At the Carl Milles Fountain

The beautiful Carl Milles Fountain is always surrounded by Art Fair goers and food stalls.

Appreciating the fountain.

Ibrahim, the Vendor of African Art

As we often have done in the past, we found Ibrahim, who deals in African tribal art.
He usually finds a place to set up (unofficially) but this year he was disallowed,
so he only spent a few hours selling from the back of his van.

Some of Ibrahim’s selection of masks: not the one we bought.

In the center of our mantlepiece: the sculpture we bought this year.
The other two sculptures are from earlier years at Ibrahim’s stall.

Saturday Night Dinner

Blog post and all photos © 2024 mae sander


thecuecard said...

Nice pictures. So much to see. Glad the family of you all are back together. I like the ceramic fish!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

When I get out to see art, suddenly I realize there is much going on that we never see and hear about. Somehow that gives me hope for the future of the world...though that photo of the small child in the stroller...

I love seeing the photos of everyone enjoying the day together.

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful photos from the Art Fair!
Looks like a fun event for the family.
Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

Joy said...

The Art Fair looks to be a success all the way around. I'm glad the traveler finally made it through the chaos of the airlines last week.

Becki said...

Looks like a fun time :) I haven't braved that crowd in years. Your photos are intriguing and made me think about heading that way next year to see some of the cool art!

Cloudia said...

Very nice photo of you and Alice. Aloha have a wonderful week

Divers and Sundry said...

I love the fish at the top of the post and the masks at the bottom. Such a variety!

Lydia C. Lee said...

Love the tatt! I wonder if they're her kids or family? #MuralMondays

Bellezza said...

I enjoyed your pictures so much! Going to an actual Art Fair feels hot and crowded to me, and yet I do like seeing the creativity abound. I’m always surprised there’s a lot of pottery, and jewelry, but not much in the way of handmade books. I guess you can see my preferences come out even in the Art world.

Jinjer-The Intrepid Angeleno said...

The kid in a stroller with an iPhone!!!

Not a fan of skin art, but I will take that little otter on the wall behind her!!!!!

My downstairs neighbor and her dog are somewhere in your neck of the woods this week. Saw a picture of them on the plane and then on a boat at Cass Lake? Dog is a big ol' labradoodle so the pictures are comical.

magiceye said...

Beautiful photographs of your day at the art fair.

Iris Flavia said...

Thank you, this was a fun post, so much to see!

Bertiebo said...

Wow... so much to see. You enjoyed it, right?

Sherry's Pickings said...

Oh yes I love that mask and the other african art. And who doesn't love a ceramic fish? :=)

Sami said...

It looks like an interesting art fair to visit with a great variety of art.
Having been born and raised in Africa, I would have bought the African masks too. I have lots of African art at home.
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Mae.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The art fair seems like a great way to spend time and leave a little money. Great to have the family together too.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

My friend Sally has a mask collection. She has them from many countries. It's too bad you two can't get together. I'm sure you would enjoy each other's company.

You mentioned you had two photos of drinks, but you failed to mention Alice's drink, the drink the patron had at Mama B's, and the drink the woman in the burka had. There were drinks EVERYWHERE in your post, dear.

I'd love to have those palm tress that were made of metal. Thanks for taking us to the Art Fair and Miss Kim's for T this week.

I got the photo of the dressmaker's patterns you sent. Thanks for thinking of me.

My name is Erika. said...

How exciting to have your granddaughter visit. And to have her arrive in time visit the art fair. There is some fun art. And I like your latest statue. It's too bad that Ibrahim wasn't allowed at the show. I have a mask my grandmother brought home from South Africa back in the early 1970's. It's a fun additions to the house. Have a great T day. hugs-Erika

Let's Art Journal said...

Wow, tha Art Fair look fabulous! I'd love looking around the different stalls, the pottery fish and blue octopus are amazing 😊. Thanks for sharing and Happy T Tuesday wishes! Hugs, Jo x

CJ Kennedy said...

Looks like the fair had it all. Everywhere you look something beautiful and unusual to see. I love the people watching photos, too. Happy T Day

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

What a wonderful art fair.
Love the fishy fish.

Spyder said...

hat an amazinf place! So many different things to see and I bet it had an amazing arty spell too! Happy T day... bit late I forgot to link, (again)

Jeanie said...

Lots of lovely stuff here -- and good company, too!

jinxxxygirl said...

I love a good Art Fair... Infact i will look at them on YouTube from all over the world... we don't have much in the way of an art fair here where i live.. Except for the one i participate in , in the Spring.. Your food looked delish too.. LOVE the fish in the one stall! Hope you had a lovely T day! Hugs! deb

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Wow you squeezed a lot into that post. What a great art fair with so many interesting types of art. The chaos with the airlines was crazy - glad Alice made it safely. Wonderful photos !

Lisca said...

What a great long post. So much to see and read.
I loved the art fair. Especially the dresses and the girl's tattoo.
The Carl Milles fountains are spectacular. Looking at the water makes me feel cooler.
I'm afraid I don't like African masks. When I was newly wedded, soeone gave me one as a present. It hung in the living room and used to give me nightmares.
But I'd join you for that Saturday night dinner! It looks scrumptious.
Sorry I'm late. I have visitors and hardly a moment to myself.
Have a great weekend,

Debra Eliotseats said...

I love a good art fair. That "fashion" art is lovely and I'm always drawn to the ceramicists.