Saturday, June 29, 2024

In my garden

 A Visitor

Blossoms in June

A garden quote from Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park

“It was sad to Fanny to lose all the pleasures of spring. She had not known before what pleasures she had to lose in passing March and April in a town. She had not known before how much the beginnings and progress of vegetation had delighted her. What animation, both of body and mind, she had derived from watching the advance of that season which cannot, in spite of its capriciousness, be unlovely, and seeing its increasing beauties from the earliest flowers in the warmest divisions of her aunt’s garden, to the opening of leaves of her uncle’s plantations, and the glory of his woods.”

This Year’s Herb Garden

Rosemary, tarragon, oregano, sage, thyme, parsley.

Photos © 2024 mae sander
Shared with Eileeen’s Critters and Deb’s Sunday Salon.


  1. He looks VERY serious! Love the herb garden!

  2. One of the best parts of doing the Pollinator Bioblitz last week was seeing which flowers butterflies and bees sought out. Your flowers are beautiful. I bet the herbs have a great scent.

  3. Beautiful flowers! I admire your herb garden 👍

  4. Beautiful photos! You have the right herbs to make Scarborough Fair pesto.

  5. Beautiful flowers. I love hydrangeas! I just bought some to put in here. Is that a frog or a toad ... perhaps a toad ... he's a big guy! all good pics.

  6. Your hydrangeas are blooming? You are ahead of us. I love summer flowers, too.

  7. Beautiful flowers and great pics of them. Thanks as always for sharing.

  8. Beautiful blooms, I love the hydrangea. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  9. Your herb garden is rocking it. I forgot to do tarragon this year (for which I am very sorry!)

  10. Your herbs are looking much healthier than mine.

  11. Lol. Love your visitor. So cute and plump. :D Love your blossoms. I'm currently crocheting plants for my indoor planters because I have a hard time keeping real plants alive, lol.

    My Sunday Post

  12. Beautiful flowers, cute frog, impressive herbs!

  13. Beautiful photos ! Have a wonderful week.

  14. Beautiful post and blooms! Your herb garden is delightful.

  15. My oregano, tarragon, and thyme look nothing like yours. My sage died within two weeks of planting it. Your flowers are stunning.


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