Friday, June 28, 2024

Alice Visits New York

 Alice recently visited New York, and took some photos of murals that she saw because she knows I like murals. Here they are:

This one was taken from the train en route to NYC.

Photos © Alice
Shared with Sami’s Monday Murals


  1. There is something about murals in the city!

  2. I love to see murals. It gives a city a feeling of aliveness.

  3. Your girls are having fabulous summers!

  4. Wow! I really like the second mural. Looks like a golden sun.

  5. Great murals. I love "Stop Wars" best 👍

  6. Alice's photos show some great murals. And thanks for letting me know about how they demolished the statues in Greece once it was ruled they would be Christian. It seems like history repeats itself so many times, I'm surprised anything ends up being left from the past. hugs-Erika

  7. I love the Stop Wars. That's so clever. And is the second one painted or built into the wall? It's hard to tell in the picture? Great share #MuralMondays

  8. The second photo, the climate clock, metronome is very interesting. And a warning to us all. Thanks Alice and Mae

  9. Alice found some awesome murals. My favorite was Rise.

  10. Very cool! Fun to see! Thank you! Aloha

  11. Great murals, my favourite is "Stop Wars".
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Mae.


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