Saturday, May 18, 2024

What I’ve been doing this week


We have watched one from Season 1, one from Season 2.


Goodbye Vitamin by Rachel Khong. Read. Didn’t like.

This Strange Eventful History by Claire Messud. Reading. Liking.

Birds and Birders

Warblers at Magee Marsh in Ohio, which is famous for warblers. We were there Thursday.

Birder on the boardwalk at Magee Marsh.

Lovesick Red-Winged Blackbird.

Distant deer and White Pelicans.

White Pelicans flying.

More birders on the boardwalk. Looking about the same as they do every May during bird migration.
Luckily it was only crowded part for a little while, mostly pretty calm.

Refrigerator Magnet Update

Bird magnets from the Netherlands, Missouri, Costa Rica, Ohio, and the Pacific Northwest.
Species shown: several owls, hummingbird, cardinal, cranes, goldfinch, and thunderbirds.

Blog post and all photos © 2024 mae sander.


  1. Sounds like a great week of birding and bookish adventures! Birders were out in force this week. Love the warblers and the cool magnets!

  2. I loved visiting Magee Marsh during the migration. It does get very crowded on the boardwalk. Great sighting of the warblers and I love the White Pelicans. Cute frog. It is nice to see a future bird watcher. I like your magnet collection! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. I take it "The Chelsea Detective" is on a Pay Channel, like Netflix.

    That birder is young and already into it. I bet David would be happy to see that birder starting young.

  4. It looks like some of the birds that were recently here along the Texas Gulf Coast have made their way up near you. We are still enjoying the occasional surprise---a cuckoo, an oriole---in our own backyard, and that is a delight.

    I'll look for The Chelsea Detective. My husband is an avid mystery person. We are making our way through Northern Exposure (season 4/7) and I picked up a complete Maigret series on DVD that I am saving for Paris in July, but I always like to make note of any promising mystery series.

  5. I adore Chelsea Detective. I hope they make many more. Do you watch McDonald and Dodds too? That's a fave and new episodes are coming at the end of the month!

    Love the new bird magnets!

  6. Oh I love your magnets! I need to look at my fridge....and do better! The little boy with the bird book warms my heart too. I found myself going...Ahhhhh!

  7. Lovely birds captured and the magnets are beautiful too.

  8. I even see a deer! I haven't heard of either of these books, but I did enjoy the birds. Happy weekend Mae. hugs-Erika

  9. Your magnets are a marvel. :)

  10. Looks like an interesting week. Have a great weekend!

  11. Love the red-winged blackbird and your caption!

  12. Books and birds! Sounds like a great week!

  13. Thank you for sharing this nice post

  14. Great bird pictures. I don't have the patience to take good pictures like that.

  15. We skipped birdwatching at Magee Marsh this year and opted to work on our backyard. We have cardinals, bluejays, and other common birds but hardly any migrants come into the city.

  16. You've had much to keep yoursekf busy this week. Looks like it's been a lot of fun. Your refrigerator magnets certainly catch ones eye. Very decorative.

  17. What a lovely lot of birds and books... an ideal week, Mae:)). And I love the spiffy fridge magnets. Have a wonderful week.

  18. Great pix. I'm interested to see what you think of the Messud book. I did not like Goodbye Vitamin either and found its writing and organization not great. Therefore I decided not to pick up her new novel.


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