Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Pretty Places

West Lafayette, Indiana

At the Celery Bog in West Lafayette.

Ann Arbor, Michigan

In my front yard.

Nichols Arboretum, Ann Arbor.

In St. Louis

At the Missouri Botanical Gardens

Sculpture Garden, St. Louis Art Museum

Photos taken May 6-14, 2024
© 2024 mae sander


  1. I don't know which photo I like the best. Maybe the blue shrike-like bird posing by his own photo?!

  2. Lovely collection of beauty spots from home and travels.

  3. As always, lovely photos from everywhere, all different! I love that you "stop along the way" to do this!

  4. This is a great post. That is a cool tree, there are beautiful flowers and some great statues too. Thanks for sharing Mae. hugs-Erika

  5. A wonderful, refreshing collection!

  6. So many gorgeous photos Mae. I love that sculpture of the mother and children. I am a huge sculpture fan! And the birds! Hope your month is going very well.

  7. Great shots! The arched gates are crazy!

  8. Beautiful. Your shots are so clear. You're great at photography. The nature is always stunning.

  9. Loved the cardinal and the lilies of the valley are actually blooming where you were.

    The sculptures in the Missouri Botanical Gardens are awesome and so is that iris. Wonderful shots.


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