Monday, May 13, 2024

Museum Gift Shops

The first thing I check for in a museum gift shop is Mona Lisa items.
The St.Louis Art Museum did not disappoint.

All three of these pillows are very amusing. Too bad my house is full of stuff!
Mona’s cup of coffee is for my friends at Elizabeth’s weekly tea party.

Almost all the iconic works of Great Art are in this game.
Missing: Frida Kahlo’s face, Whistler’s Mother, and Hopper’s Diner.

I’m afraid the creators of the game in fact didn’t have much imagination.

Mona Lisa often appears in gift shops on socks and on various types of jewelry and small lapel pins. I didn’t take photos of these objects this time, though the gift shop did stock them. At the moment, I own too many of these items to buy any more, unless they are truly remarkable.

Magnetic Art

After I check the Mona Lisa situation at a gift shop, then I go for the magnets. My refrigerator magnet display changes whenever I travel and get some new ones. On my trip to St.Louis, I found some nice ones at the Missouri Botanical Garden gift shop, as well as at the Art Museum. On my fridge, they join magnets from several other places. After my next trip, some major rearranging will be required!

From the Botanical Garden shop: a cardinal to go with my Costa Rica owls and hummingbird.

A magnet of the Climatron at the Botanical Gardens, an air-plant magnet, a magnet of the facade of the Art Museum, and two magnets from the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian.
This magnet is alive!

Too many magnets.

Blog post © 2024 mae sander


  1. I haven't been to the museum, but I have been to the wonderful Botanical Gardens, like 30 years ago! Great magnets. When we moved I got rid of all our magnets; our refrigerator had 22 years worth of them on it. LOL
    Happy T Day.

  2. That museum gift shop looks like lots of fun. I have a few travel magnets too. They are always fun to get and bring home, aren't they? And that Mona piece is lots of fun to for T day, or any day really. Have a great T day Mae. hugs-Erika

  3. I want to begin by saying it is I who is at fault for not visiting. I haven't posted/published on the computer in days. Right now, I'm working hard to get my herbs planted before they die of neglect. I bought a LOT of new herbs this year and they have taken me away from computer time. It would be nice to have someone to help me, but I must do it all on my own. Please forgive me that I haven't been around to visit.

    As for the Arch, it was VERY disappointing. In years past, you could stay as long as you liked. Now you are given only 10 minutes, then you are hustled out of there. Because it was a Sunday, the price of admission was $19.00. You also had to stand around for a full 40 minutes, so if you are not fit, it can be grueling. I will never again recommend the Arch.

    Loved that two of the pillows at the gift shop were drink related. I also had an air plant magnet at one time. Mine was in a small ceramic planter. I like how yours is in a shell. They like a lot of humidity.

    You have an eclectic collection of magnets. I have been to the St. Louis Art Museum in the past, but all we went to see was the Arch.

    Thanks for taking us to St. Louis and sharing the drink related art with us for T this week, dear Mae. I will try to catch up now.

  4. "Too many magnets."??? I should post a pic of ours ;-)
    The live-one is super-cool!

  5. The bird fridge magnets would readily find a home here. I should pay more attention to them when I travel.

  6. so many wonderful items at the museum. The gardens are lush and green. Happy you have a fridge door of memories. Have a nice day today.

  7. The gift shops are the best with all the fun, quirky stuff. Magnets are such a fun souvenir, and easy to pack up. Happy T Day

  8. You found tons of things! I think that game cover would make for a fun jigsaw puzzle! Love the bird magnets especially. And museum gift shops are always great!

  9. One can never have too many fridge magnets! I love fridge magnets and I have many on my fridge, but our European fridges are much smaller than yours so it gets crowded. I have a rule that i only have fridge magnets of places that i have visited myself.
    I love the gift articles you showed from the museum. The cushions have a drink so you're bang on theme!
    Sorry I'm late in commenting. Life gets in the way sometimes,
    Happy T-Day,

  10. I may have told you before that I'm quite fond of your magnet collection and wish I'd learned about it years ago. I stopped collecting "stuff' years ago when we sold out to travel and we still live in small spaces over a quarter of a century later. I was thinking the magnets wouldn't take up usable space, but by now the "canvas" would have filled up several times over and I would have a big box from older trips. So I guess it's good I didn't start after all!

  11. I love museum and art gallery shops! That snail magnet is really the business. I like to get a few new magnets to liven up the fridge every so often. I have to retire the old ones to fit 'em in. We're having a damp week this week, and they say we may suffer La Nina again. These weather patterns...


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