Sunday, May 12, 2024

Driving Cross Country

The Mississippi River as we drove into St.Louis last week.

This bridge, which carries Interstate 270 between Missouri and Illinois,
is the site of quite a big construction project. This view is looking north.

Just past the bridge.

On the way home, we again crossed the Mississippi River,
driving from Missouri into Illinois. This view is looking south.

We drove across Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio on the way to and from St.Louis last week. Our habit is to look for state-maintained rest stops along the road, which are convenient, clean, and quick -- and sometimes even offer a free paper map! Unfortunately, on our way back to Michigan the logical rest stops in Illinois and Indiana were all closed. So we did the next-best thing: we stopped at two McDonalds along the way. Maybe surprisingly, another very good place to stop if there's one at the freeway exit is a Walgreens! They always have a clean restroom, and sell snack food if we need it. And there seems to be no pressure to make a purchase if you don't want to. A Walgreen's was our third stop.

The two McD's where we stopped were interestingly decorated.

The entryway at the McDonald's in Casey, Illinois,
had birds painted on the wall.

This looks like a brick wall with a leaning bicycle, but it's a mural.

More birds on the wall.

Another stop, in Indiana -- the McDonald's decor was quite different.
The hamburger and fries, by the way, were exactly as expected. 

Eating at McDonalds or another burger chain for us is limited to the times when we are driving long distances — we virtually never eat there otherwise. An article in the New York Times just this morning points out how we are quite unusual: most Americans eat fast food much more often than we do. The article is inspired by the 20th anniversary of the film “Supersize Me” by Morgan Spurlock, who ate nothing but McDonald’s for one month, and ate every item on the menu at least once. It wasn’t good for his health!

“Supersize Me” was wildly popular but had no effect on fast food sales at all. The article explains:

“… two decades later, not only is McDonald’s bigger than ever, with nearly 42,000 global locations, but fast food in general has boomed. There are now some 40 chains with more than 500 locations in the United States. Fast food is the second-largest private employment sector in the country, after hospitals, and 36 percent of Americans — about 84 million people — eat fast food on any given day. The three major appeals of fast food remain intact: It’s cheap, it’s convenient and people like the way it tastes.”

Other than McDonalds… 

Because today is the day to share murals with Sami at the blog ColorfulWorld -- here's one more.
We found this mural in St.Louis while driving towards the Missouri Botanical Gardens.

On almost every trip to St.Louis we drive by the house where I grew up.
It was built in 1912 by an architect who lived there, and I think of it as a work of art.
I took this photo last week, but it looks exactly the way I remember it.

Blog post and all photos © 2024 mae sander


  1. Hi Mae, sounds like a great trip with some interesting stops. I've never seen MacDonalds like the ones you visited. I think I have only once eaten something from there. We don't have one here in our little town.The house you grew up in is gorgeous! Have a great, new week, Valerie

  2. Thank you for sharing your journeys with us. You are a lovely person.

  3. Happy Mother's Day Mae!

    I like murals and McDonald's decorations.
    We have stopped at Walgreens for snacks too.
    Take care, have a wonderful week!
    I like your old home!
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

  4. You grew up in a very lovely house Mae. Does it make you nostalgic when you go by it? hugs-Erika

  5. Wonderful art in and out of the cafes!

  6. Our "Maccas" look different here. I don´t know when I last have been in one.
    I saw the movie/docu, horrible, and a friend of mine went to your country for a holiday and told me fresh produce is soooo expensive, and fast food so cheap, it is crazy.
    But nice murals.

  7. I love the brickwall/bicycle mural!! And the small birds

  8. That sounds like a long journey and good stops are important for relaxation.
    “Your” house in St. Louis, where you grew up, is beautiful. What kind of flag is that in front of the house? Is it local - to me it looks like the flag from Sweden...
    Many warm greetings to you from Viola

  9. Wow, you grew up in a beautiful house Mae.
    You found lots of quirk murals during your trip. I like the chicken and the birds inside the restaurant.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  10. What a beautiful home! You must have some great memories.
    I loathe travel these days. I am happy to share your travels, though.

  11. You grew up in a beautiful home, Mae. I'd drive by it too -- even if I hadn't grown up there!

    I like your "drive by shootings" (I did a Shutterfly book probably 15 years ago called "Drive By Shootings" with pix like this. I keep thinking one day I should blog about it!) And I'm with you on McDonalds. I don't do it often, but I love it when I do!

  12. The photographs are all lovely. The rooster mural is marvelous. But the best for me was your childhood house. What a beautiful house to have grown up in. I bet you can sketch the floor plan, too, because we've talked about having a good memory for floor plans, even if we've never seen an actual 2-D rendering.

  13. When I take a road trip, I prefer to stop at Burger King. I prefer the atmosphere and they also have clean rest rooms. And FREE refills on all their drinks. Loved the bike mural. You grew up in a fabulous home, but I know you know that.

  14. Like every other driver today, I don’t know how I’d get from one place to another with GPS, but there is still a lot of pleasure in a paper map. I wonder how long it will be before provinces and states stop handing them out, as another cost-cutting measure?

  15. I love your childhood home!

  16. Wow what a house to grow up in! Looks like an amazing place ... with many stories of your years there. So nice.


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