Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Vegetarian Mapo Tofu

In Fuchsia Dunlop’s cookbook Every Grain of Rice, the vegetarian version of the famous Mapo Tofu is called “Pock-Marked Old Woman’s Tofu,” which means the same thing. Len made it last night, and it’s a very exciting dish because it has enough sichuan peppercorns to actually make one’s mouth tingle.

Tofu, rice, salad.


Sichuan Pepperconrs

These peppercorns are berries of a type of prickly ash tree, which belongs to the citrus family. They are not related to the two most common kinds of pepper: black pepper and capsicum pepper. Their flavor is amazing. According to Bon Appétit: “instead of attacking the tongue with spiciness, Sichuan peppercorns induce a tingling sensation similar to drinking a super carbonated seltzer or eating a whole pack of pop rocks.” (source)

Green onions. For a while they were hard to find,
but they now seem widely available.


Sichuan Chili Bean Paste: this imported brand is
the one the author recommends.

This tofu recipe appeared in Fuchsia Dunlop’s cooking column in the Guardian in 2012. She wrote: 

“Mapo doufu is one of the best-loved dishes of the Sichuanese capital, Chengdu. It is named after the wife of a Qing dynasty restaurateur who delighted passing labourers with her hearty braised tofu, cooked up at her restaurant by the Bridge of 10,000 Blessings in the north of the city. The dish is thought to date back to the late nineteenth century. Mrs Chen's face was marked with smallpox scars, so she was given the affectionate nickname ma po, "pock-marked old woman". The dish is traditionally made with minced beef, although many cooks now use pork. This vegetarian version is equally sumptuous.” (source)

Blog post and photos © 2023 mae sander


  1. I've never eaten tofu, but it's not because I don't like it...the opportunity to eat it has never arisen. Perhaps one of these days...

    When I do, I'll look for tofu with peppercorns. That sounds wonderful to me.

  2. I have all the ingredients so I will look up a recipe for this.

  3. Hello,

    I have never tried tofu. The salad looks yummy. Take care, have a great day!

  4. I have szechuan peppercorns in my pantry so i might have to give this a go:)

  5. Sounds and looks very yummy!
    My last tofu was a huge disappointment, though.

    But once I made tofu with mushrooms, lemongrass, broth and white wine (2008?) - I think I will try that again! Thank you for the input! Have to look if I have rice.

  6. Sounds like a good vegan recipe for me to try! I'm intrigued by your description of the peppercorns in your mouth.

  7. The first time I had tofu, I gagged. I was 15 at the time. I didn't try it again for years. I learned that it is quite neutral and takes on the flavors of the spices and seasonings. Now I LOVE it. As a vegetarian, this sounds quite intriguing.

  8. Forgot to mention that I have never seen onions packed in plastic containers before. I get my green onions in bunches tied with a rubber band.


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