Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving Dinner

I hope everyone who celebrates is having a wonderful Thanksgiving.
We are happy to be together with our family in Fairfax, Virginia.

Cooking, Carving, Serving

Basting the two ducks with soy sauce.
Evelyn chose the famous New York Times simple duck recipe.

Making stock to use in the gravy.

Ducks in the oven.

My home-made cranberry sauce jelled in a cylinder!

Duck, dressing, cranberries, red-wine flavored gravy, roasted root vegetables,
Brussels sprouts, squash bread. 

Dessert is the Alsatian Apple Tart that I described earlier today. Blog post and all photos © 2021 mae sander.



  1. What a blessing! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  2. Your meal looks delicious. How did you make the duck dressing?

  3. What a very happy, yummy post! Thank you for making me smile :-)

  4. Happy belated Thanksgiving. My friend is making a duck tomorrow to a meal where I'm invited. I've had it, but I'm not fond of dark meat, so it's not my thing. Hope you enjoyed your meal. It all looks wonderful, especially all the veggies.

  5. Looks good and it’s wonderful to celebrate with family!

  6. Well you certainly have started to make up for all the time we were totally shut in.. Glad you were able to celebrate with family. Everything looks delicious.

  7. Looks like a wonderful family time Mae.

  8. Lovely meal, always the best flavor comes from having those you love around the table.

  9. Hi Melinda — Your blog absolutely won’t accept my comment. Thanks for visiting here!


  10. I have trouble commenting on her blog as well. Possibly something to do with cookies? At any rate, you see, tp have had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We did as well. My grandson bought a smoked turkey, and a nephew smoked lamb.

  11. Yum! Everything looks delicious and beautifully presented. We had a small gathering for Thanksgiving, but more than last year when we had no one come!

  12. Everything looked delicious! And so great to be able to come together this year

  13. Beautiful food spread ... for Thanksgiving. Much delicious things! We had a great dinner too ....


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