Sunday, November 21, 2021

Len flies his drone — at Kitty Hawk!

The drone sees us on the beach.

Drone among the gulls.

 Photos © 2021 mae & len sander.


  1. Quite something to fly at Kitty Hawk. Did the gulls not try and attack the drone?

  2. Wonderful photos of the drone and of the beach. I remember being able to drive on a few beaches back in the early 1990s in the Carolinas. I bet they have outlawed cars on beaches now, though. Great photos of that flock of birds, too.

  3. The perfect spot! Now he's a part of history, too :)

  4. Great photos. We have someone here that has a drone. He flies it over people yards and homes and takes photos. Then puts them on FB. Well if I wanted my home on FB I would post it. He has been turned in to authorities and was given a fine. We haven't seen him in months.

  5. He had to be in seventh heaven!

  6. Hello,

    It looks like Len is enjoying flying his drone. Kitty Hawk has a beautiful beach, love the gulls and ocean views. Great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend!

  7. That's so neat. We've wanted to get one but many of the places we hike don't allow them. It's so neat to get that really good view from above! Well done...oh and fun too!

  8. I'm tempted to get a drone but I'd probably wreck it.

  9. A lovely place to walk, and take pictures with a drone.


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