Tuesday, August 10, 2021


Yesterday evening we drove down to this lighthouse in Acadia N.P.

As we left the harbor on our boat trip this morning, we circled another lighthouse.

We saw yet another lighthouse as we returned to the harbor.

On the rocks near the lighthouse were lots of seals.

Len was taking bird photos throughout the trip. You can see the drops of water collecting on my lens.

Unfortunately, for around half the time it was very foggy.
We could barely see this lighthouse which is quite far out of the harbor.
It’s the site where puffins nest, but most of them have left for the season so we saw only a few.

© 2021 mae sander


  1. Your photos are gorgeous, fog or no fog!

  2. I love a nice foggy coastal Maine view. There is something mysterious about it.

  3. Not the perfect day to be out on the water. Hope it does not rain too much.

  4. I've always been fascinated about lighthouses. It's quite obvious I live in a land locked state, so we have none in any direction for thousands of miles. I remember Erika taking photos of puffins, so I hope you get to see more while in Maine and on your trip.

  5. I love lighthouses! All have the same function and look roughly the same, but all have quite different appearances. Fun post -- thanks.

  6. I'm a real sucker for lighthouses. These are very atmospheric!


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