Monday, March 29, 2021

Tea with Evelyn

Evelyn, a tea lover, blends her own tea from a variety of recipes. She favors single-origin teas.
While visiting in Fairfax, Virginia, this week, I’ve tried a few of her blends: quite delicious.

At the blog Altered Book Lover, many bloggers share stories about their creative endeavors and about what types of beverages they are drinking. This post is for blogger Elizabeth and the rest of them: © 2021 by mae sander.



  1. How cool that she can blend her own tea. Happy T Day!

  2. Lovely post. I do love tea! I like your tea kettle. Happy T Day!

  3. That mug is perfect for T day Mae. And I bet you had some lovely teas to put in it too. Have a wonderful T day and visit with your family.

  4. I've not run into anyone that blends their own teas. Interesting and fun flavors. I have had a chocolate tea and liked it very much! Enjoy, and happy T day!

  5. How fun! It looks like a great selection of teas to try.
    Happy Tea Day,

  6. I wish I could send her some locally farmed tea leaves. I haven't brewed proper tea for ages. Enjoy every mug with her.

  7. Oh. I wanted to start just as Erika did already! LOL, we kinda become one "family", eh. Happy T-Day, it´s all said!

  8. Sounds like a great idea, I sometimes blend coffee beans to make my own coffee! Happy T Day, Valerie

  9. Hi Mae, being a boring breakfast tea drinker I'm always amazed at all the different teas all the ladies in the T gang drink, they sounds so exotic!
    We have the very same kettle, I love how it lights up.
    Happy T Day
    Jan S

  10. So fun to be able to try some new blends.
    Looks like a fun time!
    Happy T day

  11. How interesting is that! Blending your own tea. I looked at the names on the labels and immediately my eyes went to the Chocolate tea! (I have just come from Valerie's blog, so I have chocolate on my mind.)
    That mug is perfect for the T-party. Is it yours or your friends'?
    Happy T-Day,

  12. I have never been able to tolerate tea, it makes me quite poorly! Sounds interesting though! Happy T Day, Chrisx

  13. I love that Evelyn does her own tea -- and tasty, too. How fun!

  14. So many different teas, that Chocolate Tea sounds like something I'd love to try 😁. Wishing you a Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  15. That’s cool to be able to blend your own tea. I really like that mug, too.

  16. I always prefer loose leaf to tea bags, but you can't easily use the leaves in art. How great that your friend creates her own tea blends. Thanks for sharing this with us for T this week, Mae.


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