Tuesday, November 03, 2020

It Didn't Help

"In a year of terrible twists, one of the worst may be yet to come."
--(James Downie, Washington Post, Nov. 1, 2020)

Who isn't worrying about the election -- what disasters will we see Tuesday night, Wednesday, and on and on? Like everyone else, I've been trying to find a way to feel better and get my mind off the immediate future and the aftermath of the vote. When I'm not thinking about the election, I'm worrying about the rapid resurgence of the coronavirus pandemic, the decline of the economy, more and more racism and oppression, and the inevitable gap in effective government (or worse) that the election is bound to bring. 

Some destressers I've tried:

Candy? Helps for around 2 minutes.

Cooking? Usually helps. I made some roasted veggies. Still anxious.

Snacks? Another 2 minutes of feeling relaxed.

Popcorn takes longer to eat...

Wine? Doesn’t help much. Maybe I should drink more than one glass.

I got a new coloring book. Fun. But I’m still worrying.

Usually, I enjoy reading. I’m half way into an interesting history book, I just bought the new Tana French police procedural novel, and I have lots of articles picked out to read online. But it’s hard to concentrate! I had a friend who said if you were depressed you should go shopping, go out to eat, or get a new haircut. Nope, the world isn’t working that way right now. We can only hope — and worry.

Blog post © 2020 mae sander.


  1. Well, you can´t fool your mind with that, that is true. It´s just too much that has added up... Yet we need to keep on trying.

  2. Lots of wine and meditation would help :-)) wait...Milano cookies too LOL!

  3. I'll take the candy, wine, and adult coloring book. I expect even more nastiness after the election than we have seen before it.

  4. Snickers! York peppermints! You are My People :) I also have mounds bars here, and in fact have just finished the last one of those. I may've gained 10 pounds this week lol

    I've also been cooking soups for the freezer. I'm planning on chicken noodle soup for tonight. I ate popcorn during some of the debate/political coverage. I have a bottle of champagne my daughter gave me rather than move it cross country when her husband got a good move. I have it waiting but won't open it 'til I see evidence of the Blue Wave I hope is coming. Not in my state, mind you, but I'll celebrate what I can get :) I'm reading a detective mystery at night before bed and during the night when I can't sleep and am watching Westerns during the day.

    Here's hoping there's good news early.

  5. It's been the 20+ cookies I've munched on today. And I spent too much cash online as I thought shopping might help. Let's hope good things happen to calm our nerves.

  6. Hopefully you will have one less thing to worry about when the results come in.

  7. Wine, lots of wine and the Milano cookies!

  8. And I'm STILL worrying. And probably will for another 48 hours and then either feel devastated and worrying or elated and worrying. I think the worry isn't going away for awhile.

    I hope you have a lot more wine and candy.

  9. Food seems to be my numbing choice.. Unfortunately that coincides with weight gain.

  10. Hopefully things will get better and the worry will ebb. I definitely get the being too worried to concentrate thing. Take care!

  11. Well, now you stop worrying!

  12. Hopefully you can find some ways to keep yourself occupied during these troubling times.


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