Monday, February 20, 2017

In the Keys

Lots of fresh shellfish like these local stone-crab claws at The Fish House
in Key Largo. We're spending the last few days of our trip in the Keys.
And good bony fish. The Fish House "Matacumbe" preparation
with tomatoes and onions is very delicious!
Anne's Beach, around half-way down the keys.
Fort Zachary Taylor Historical Park is in a simply beautiful location next to Key West.

Alligators in the water hole at the Key Deer wildlife preserve.
Key Deer are a very small subspecies of the white-tailed deer,
once common throughout the keys, now limited to a few of the less-built-up areas.


  1. That looks so delicious and so much fun! I'm longing for the ocean again!

  2. The Florida Keys are so pretty, aren't they? And such fresh fish -- a great place to eat it. As always, love the photos. Thanks!


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