Friday, February 17, 2017

Boynton Beach

At the Morikami Japanese Gardens near Boynton Beach, Florida. We met our relatives for lunch and a walk in the gardens.
The landscaping is very beautiful. We walked with Katie, who was visiting
Jean and Jack. Katie lives in Toronto.
Katie, Jean, Jack, and Lenny at the gardens.
On our second day visiting Boynton Beach we did some birdwatching at Green Key Wetlands and Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, two beautiful places we've been before. It was new to Katie!

A grebe.
Baby alligators in the swampy water.
An American bittern. These are usually shy, but this individual was out in the open.

We will be spending a few more days in Florida, then home. I have more material about our trip to Peru last week, and I'll work on it when we get back. I've now read two interesting books about the Amazon River, and I'll combine some ideas from the books with the photos that I still want to post.


  1. The sand labyrinth is beautiful -- and the birds. Sounds wonderful and like a grand time!

    Imogen Quy arrived today!


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