Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Good Food in the News

Because I'm getting ready to leave town, I'm not cooking anything ambitious. However, I'm still finding time to read the current fast-paced news of the nation and the world. Calm food news is a nice distraction from the more serious stuff that's currently possessing me.

Three items especially caught my eye. I'm saving them for when I get back and start shopping for food and cooking again. The images are screen shots from the articles.

"Tim Tams, an Australian Favorite, Arrive in America" by Florence Fabricant in the New York Times. I often read blogs by Australians, so I definitely know about this popular treat. I hope I find some in one of the stores where I shop: "Crisp chocolate biscuits coated in chocolate hug a creamy filling. They are sold in 40 countries now that they have arrived in America."

"How to Make Schnitzel Like an Israeli" by Vered Guttman in Ha'aretz. This is a simple, delicious way to make chicken breast: "how a European classic took a distinctly Jewish and Middle Eastern turn." I've had it in Israel, and also made it myself. This is a good reminder that I should do it again. I especially like the serving suggestion: "Serve immediately with mashed potatoes, ketchup or pickles, or serve in a pita spread with hummus and stuffed with French fries."

"Slow Cooker Green Chicken Chili" by Rhoda Boone, a new recipe in Epicurious this month. I'm tempted by the variation of some classic ways to make chili: "With chicken, sweet potatoes, tomatillo salsa, and pinto beans, it's more of a cross between chile verde (usually made with pork) and white chicken chili."


Kitchen Riffs said...

Three really interesting articles -- thanks. I really like the idea of using some mustard in the coating for the Schnitzel. And sweet potatoes are wonderful in chili! Their flavor works well with both red and green chilies. Thanks for all the good news! The other kind has been not-so-good. :-(

rhapsodyinbooks said...

I saw a video from Australian news about the "proper" way to eat tim tams (apparently dunking is part of the process), and subsequently was delighted to find them at Target stores, of all places!

Beth F said...

Tim Tam Slams come to the USA! Ha!

Tina said...

Tim Tams just arrived at World Market, I'm buying several packages!

jama said...

Heard about the Tim Tams too -- exciting! I think our local grocer carries them. I love schnitzel -- interesting article.

Unknown said...

I'll have to look for some Tim Tams. I pinned the chili.