Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Ringling Brothers Circus Museum, Sarasota

At the Circus Museum is a miniature model of the entire process of setting up and presenting the circus. Above: the trains. 
Mini-people arriving in their cars.
Preparing a meal for the circus people. Lots of other miniature scenes
show the life of circus people, where they relaxed, practiced, etc.
The dining room for the thousands of circus people.
Frozen custard for the circus goers.

Under the Big Top... a few of the miniature exhibits are able to be in motion.

In the actual circus museum: many costumes and models of performers, including these clown shoes.
The circus museum and miniature model of the huge tents and circus grounds are just amazing.


  1. These are all so cute! I especially love the model of the frozen custard stand.

  2. Even though circuses never have called me, I've always been intrigued by that museum (I hear there's quite an art collection, too!) and I love the little figures.

    That snake bird in your earlier post? Weirdest, ugliest thing I've ever seen -- and perfect timing for that photo!


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