Friday, February 19, 2016

Corkscrew Swamp

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Baby alligators sitting on their mother's back. Probably the most popular location along the boardwalk!
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Cypress knees. 
The Corkscrew Swamp preserve, owned by the Audubon Society, has one of the last stands of uncut cypress forest remaining in Florida. Almost all the cypress has been cut for timber. The oldest and biggest trees, tall and bearded like Tolkien's ents, are named for the conservationists that managed to save this remnant.
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A little woodpecker on a cypress tree. We have these in our own backyard, but I liked him.
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On the placards along the boardwalk, we read tales of brave rangers who fought poachers in the swamps, brave political acts that shut down hunting for egret plumes, and finally, deals with logging companies that saved this last bit of forest. We didn't expect to see any new birds today,  and didn't see them, but we very much enjoyed our 3 hour walk through the pristine cypress swamps.

The boardwalk through the swamp.
Dinner: Florida shrimp and lobster ravioli.


  1. Your photos are amazing! I've never been to a cypress swamp but I want to go now!

  2. We're in SW Florida now and Corkscrew Swamp is on our agenda this week! The Florida shrimp and lobster ravioli looks delicious!! What restaurant?

  3. What wonderful pictures! I love the little woodpeckers and while we have them in our yard as well I always enjoy seeing them. They're such happy looking birds! That sounds like an interesting walk and the dinner looks like the perfect end!

  4. What a pretty woodpecker! And I'll take another serving of that ravioli. Thanks for the nature walk. :)

  5. Your photos were lovely Mae, and that dinner looked delish! Did you eat any 'gater bits yet? We found them on menus out that way, back in the day.

  6. Loving your travels lately, Mae.

  7. Mouthwatering ravioli! Wouldn't fancy coming across alligators and such like! Cheers from Carole's Chatter!

  8. I'm not that into nature and wildlife, but I would love to try that ravioli! ;)

  9. It looks lovely -- a part of Florida I've never visited. I had ravioli last night and oh, so yum -- but I'll bet yours was better!


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