Monday, February 08, 2016

Monkeys, Rodents, and More

A 3-toed sloth with a baby. 
An agouti (a local rodent) with a nut in its mouth. 
A coati crossing the road. (A member of the raccoon family)
A howler monkey just outside our bedroom.
On this morning's walk here in Panama, we saw numerous birds and a few mammals. Birds will be posted later!


  1. Oh my word, Mae! You're in Panama! And here I was wondering how you were fairing in this cold weather, lol...

    GREAT shots Mae....Marion has been running me ragged. I'm just beginning to try and catch up!

    Thanks for sharing, Mae...Have a ball!!!

  2. So cute! Made me smile today, despite a huge snowfall! :-)

  3. Only time I've ever seen a sloth was when I was in Panama. Such a great place -- an amazing amount of wildlife. Fun post -- thanks.


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